White Background Amazon Product Photography on a Budget

White Background Amazon Product Photography on a Budget
29.99 USD
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Why pay hundreds of dollars for white background product photos when you can set up your own product photography studio in your own home for under $50! Professional photographers charge hundreds and take weeks to deliver photos you might not even be happy with. We created this course to teach eCommerce professionals how they can save money, reduce costly delays, and take the control back from the constraints of overpriced photographers. Learn how to take high quality white background product photos at home with basic equipment and simple photography concepts. In this course you will learn- What equipment you’ll need- Where to buy it- How to shoot optimized photos for Amazon- How to complete the final touches in post editingBy the end of this course you will learn how to set up your at home product photography studio for under $50, and understand how to shoot, edit, and optimize your photos for Amazon and other eCommerce platforms.