C# & .Net used effectively in day to day work- includes LINQ

C# & .Net used effectively in day to day work- includes LINQ
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Do you need to think twice which LinqOperater you need to use ordo you have the need to check on stackoverflow every little detail for LINQqueries?Was it Substring or Replace on a string which would be more appropriate here?How can you add buffering to your stream again?Need to dynamically work with JSON objects?Those and many more every day questions will be answered by this course on day to day programming in .Net. Not only will this make you more productive but also way more confident with your abilities! This course contains: LINQqerying from fluent to query syntax All LINQoperatorscommon string operations and best practicesEquality and Comparison like it is intendedworking with datetimes and timespansSerialization with JSON. NETStreams and I/Owith .NetWith this course you are going to be absolutely well equipped to utilize the full power of the .Net Framework to your advantage. This will lead to better code and helps you to concentrate on the business logic.