Tabla course for the beginners students part 2

Tabla course for the beginners students part 2
2299 INR
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Welcome here everyone Tabla course for the beginners part twoThe course has been perfectly created for beginners students who want achieve there gols in Tabla subjects reason for this course to make to clear path and successful progress for all age groups of beginners students. by this course students can easily understand and learn the language of Tablaso my name is Dhananjay Mishra professional Tabla player from Vanarasi india.I thaught in this course how to make perfect finger position for tirikit and how to do proper practice and after that i thaught there dhir dhir kit tak which is also very importent word in Tabla without this we will loss the beauty of Tabla dhir dhir kit tak are also using in many types of compositions of tabla like kaida rela Tukda and improvisations.I thaught gadigan it is the word of Pakhawaj but here we are also using that word in Tabla so i thaught there how to make perfect finger position and produce the pefect sound. There also dhage tete and tage tete this both word are using in Tabla and pakhawaj also that word are using spacially for paran and paral compositions.I thaught there dhingin which are using to play angustana types of compositions in Tabla this is very light and soft word in Tabla so its creat great feeling to listen that tak tak That Tabla word which is used to play from lau chanti both way.I thaught how make perfect finger and produce the sound of kradha tete which is Pakhawaj word and which used to paly spacially in Tabla also this word are using to play in paran and paral.I thaught there two delhi Gharana kaidas in this kaidas there are two finger tete with mix tirikit which are very helpful to improve your finger.I thaught there a very famous Bnaras laggi which are using to play spacially in semi classical vocal and also in Tabla solo.