SQL Server voor Dummies (7 uur praktijk)

SQL Server voor Dummies (7 uur praktijk)
54.99 EUR
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This course is in English, but the subtitles are in Dutch. Don’t know anything about SQL Server and want to get started with this technology? Would you like to learn how to write your very first queries in Transact SQL? Then this course is for you! In this course we will cover these different chapters: Install SQL Server and management studio on your workstation. Creating and Defining a DatabaseThe creation and definition of a tableSelect, update, delete and insert data (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)Discover the aliases column and tackle the specificity and the secrets of LIKE. Do you know the usefulness of the TOP? Learn how to remove duplicates with the DISTINCT and discover the Comparison operators = != and so on. Copying a table with the SELECT INTO. Let’s talk about the IN, NOT IN, IS and IS NOT operators, and sort your data with ORDER BY. Discover the aggregated functions with MIN MAX and AVG and the two operators AND, OR. Let’s find out the specifics of COUNT and SUM and how to SELECT a range of data with the BETWEENGroup different results with the GROUP BY and Let’s discover the specifics of HAVING and the PRINT. The merge with INNER JOIN, LEFT/RIGHT JOIN FULL OUTER JOIN and so on. Let’s take Transact SQL even further with the CHOOSE, IIF, CASE WHEN, SUBSTRING, OFFSET FETCH NEXT ROWS. Have you heard of the CHOOSE, TRIM/LTRIM/RTIM or COALLESCE function?Let’s discover the specific features of UNION and UNION ALL, and the LEFT and RIGHT function. Laten we eens kijken naar de conversiefuncties via CAST en CONVERT, TRY CAST en TRY CONVERT, en ook via TRY PARSE en PARSE. Het creren en definiren van een view. Het creren en definiren van een Stored Procedure. Deze cursus bestaat uit 7 uur demo en 30 minuten theorie. De theorie bevindt zich in het klaslokaal, niet in deze cursus: )Deze cursus omvat meer dan 50 vragen! Waarom zou ik de SQL technologie gebruiken?SQL is n van de actiefst gezochte vaardigheden op de arbeidsmarkt. Het beheren van een SQL server en queryen in TSQL is vandaag de dag een fulltime baan. Bovendien stelt SQL Server u door zijn eenvoud in staat om snel competent te worden in zeer specifieke onderwerpen. When this course is over, believe me you will feel much more comfortable with the SQL language.I also made sure that the videos are no longer than 10 minutes so it’s not too sleep-inducing: )