SQL Bootcamp: Zero to Hero Using Microsoft SQL SERVER

SQL Bootcamp: Zero to Hero Using Microsoft SQL SERVER
19.99 USD
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In this course you will learn fowling topics: Learn SQL syntax from a beginner to a pro level. Learn about T-SQL (Transact SQL).Install SQL Server 2019 on Windows 10.Install SQL Server Management Studio on Windows 10.Create a Virtual Machine in Oracle VirtualBoxInstall SQL Server 2019 on Windows Server 2019 (Virtual Machine).Learn to create databases. Learn to create relational tables and insert records into tables. Learn all types of SQL Joins (Inner Join, Left Join, Right Outer Join, Full Outer Join, Merge Join, Self-Join, Cross Join)Analyze data using Union, Union All, IN Operator, Between Operator, Exists Operator, Not Exists Operator, Like Operator, Between Operator, and Sub QueryLearn all types of SQL constraints (Primary Key constraint, Foreign Key constraint, Not Constraint, Default Constraint, Unique Constraint, Check Constraint)Understand the Composite Primary KeyLearn all types of aggregate functions. Analyzing data using Coalesce, NullIF, Case Statement, Group By, and Having ClauseLearn the DML Statement (Insert, Update, and Delete).Learn and Implement the Data Definition Languages (Create, Alter, Drop, Truncate)Learning and Implementing Data Control Language (DCL) (Grant, Revoke)Learn Transaction Control Language (TCL) (Commit, Rollback, Savepoint)Learn to create complex store procedures and alter store procedures. Learn and implement different types of triggers (DDL Trigger, DML Trigger).Learn about both local and global temporary tables. Learn Common Table Expression (CTE)Understanding the Ranking Functions (Row Number, Rank, and Dense Rank)