iii teach in the Spirit of the Queen Of Heaven & Earth; the Great Whore of Babylon; the Godiz of Love & War. December 21, 2012 was the transition between the 5th Sun of Light ( Divine Masculine-Left Brain; Rationality, Material Hording, etc) and the 6th Sun of Darkness (Divine Femi9 Right Brain; The Dream World, Realms of the Psyche). This Transition continued until approximately 4:45 a.m. yesterday December 21, 2021. We are now FULLY in the Age of the 6th Sun of Darkness. The Great Mother God, Our Progenitor is here. Death = 13.1+ 3 is 4.4 is manifested life.13 is a more physical version of 4 (though they are the same number, hence same essence) but 13 is 4 is transition. So 13th is also associated with the 13th sign which is kundalini rising (the holy spirit/spirit of mercury within you).In Hebrew, daleth is the fourth letter means door. So death/13 is a door from one realm to the next. Daleth is connected to the Empress of the tarot who can be associated with Kali. Whether you have a smooth transition or not depends on how you understand this energy. ANCIENT MOTHER religion NEVER believed in a male Christ but believed in a female Christ instead. And, the Christ was A CONSCIOUSNESSES not a physical being.