Photography Vocabulary

Photography Vocabulary
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There’s a phrase that I love, Everyone is a photographer until M (manual mode). I have had the pleasure of meeting professional and amateur photographers from across the country. How can I tell the difference? Conversation. All it takes is a sentence or two and I notice key words will either find or lose their way and the lack of photographer jargon becomes present. While most people prefer to dive right in by buying a ton of expensive gear, sometimes its the little things that make the biggest difference. Actually knowing your field and how to clearly communicate what you love is priceless. This course is great for building the confidence in both self and potential clients, which can lead to more opportunities that you enjoy. This isnt limited to only to individual customers but for B2B as well. Whether taking on photography as a hobby or exploring entrepreneurship. The right vernacular also encourages self-esteem. This course on basic vocabulary for photography will aid in learning relevant terms in relation to your camera and a typical everyday photo session. Terms will include common words and phrases used in indoor, outdoor, studio and event photography. We will cover fundamental definitions that will equip you for successful interactions.