NODE MCU: ESP 8266 - Micro Python Network Programming and IOT

NODE MCU: ESP 8266 - Micro Python Network Programming and IOT
3699 INR
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In recent times, micropython is becoming increasing popular in resource constrained IOT devices such as NODEMCU ESP 8266 / ESP 32 etc, due to its flexibility, light weight and syntax similar to python programming language. IOT is niche technology areas and it is predicted for exponential growth in the next few years. Apart from IOT devices (eg - Node MCU, Raspberry pi etc)& sensors, the right programming langauges, communication protocols also plays a cticial role. The course extensively uses micropython programming. Further more, not just IOT devices, the machine - to - machines communication uses wide range of protocols such as REST API, MQTTand more important socket network programming. This course cover all these protocols throughpresentation and demonstration through Open source cloud applications, tools. The course coverage is as follows: Getting micropython installed / flashed on to NODEMCU8266/32.The IDEused communication of NODE MCU 8266 such as Esplorer and uPyCraft. REST API and communication with cloud through IOT - NODEMCU 8266/32.MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocolSocket programming TCP UDPAn overview about ESP 32. ESP 32 is recent advanced version when compared to NODE MCU-ESP8266. ESP 32 is with better processor and higher processing capacity - RAM. Enroll in this course to easily understand, acquire knowledge towards career progression. Happy learning!