Newton's Laws of Motion and its applications

Newton's Laws of Motion and its applications
1299 INR
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Physics (Mechanics ) Essential concepts for school and college students made simple. Physics as a subject is divided into six broad branches as discussed below.i) MechanicsThis branch deals majorly with motions under the influence of forces. Under this branch, we look into details the aspects of linear, circular and oscillatory motions as well as motion of fluidsii) Geometrical OpticsThis branch takes a keen look at the behavior of light in various media. iii) Electricity and magnetismThis branch looks at the interaction between electric fields and magnetic fields and the applications of such interactions. iv) ThermodynamicsThis branch looks at how heat as a form of energy is transformed to/from other forms of energy.v) Atomic PhysicsThis area of study is targeted at the behavior of particles of the nucleus and the accompanying energy changes. vi) WavesIt deals with the study of the propagation of energy through space. In this course Physics is Fun (01) we learn Mechanics includingUnits, Dimensions and Measurements FPS, MKS and SI Units Dimensional analysisError analysisCombined error Significant digitsVectors Problem solving using vectorsKinematics Motion with uniform acceleration. Motion along a straight line Position time diagram, velocity time diagram, acceleration time diagramMotion in a plane, Projectile motionUniform circular motion Concept of force, Types of forceAristotle, Galileo, Newton, Newton’s laws of motion First law, Second law, Third law Concept of Inertial frame of referenceConcept of free body diagram Application of Newtons laws for solving problems in mechanics In this 1 hour 27 minutes Only Newton’s laws of motion are dealt with though I plan to cover all other aspects of Mechanics mentioned above soon. So if u purchase this course which is presently charged at lowest price band I assure u to benifit from other Mechanics aspects as well