Money Magic (Formally Millionaire Master Academy)

Money Magic (Formally Millionaire Master Academy)
99.99 USD
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Money Magic - How I Made Millions And How You Can Too is a course that is built by millionaires who have achieved financial success from their strategies and by training well their mindset. But the question is, how do you start?The answer? By asking yourself better questions. Hence, the course starts by asking you those critical questions. The questions that most people will never ask themselves. Then it clicks up a few gears to show you what millionaires do that most people don’t. They work on their mindset. Robert Kiyosaki, millionaire, and author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, with a net worth of US$100 million said, The single most powerful asset we have is our mind. If trained well, it can create enormous wealth. The truth is that becoming wealthy is not easy. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It takes education, courage, and building a mindset that is no longer frozen by fear. Money Magic - How I Made Millions And How You Can Too is a course that gives you all you need to do what it takes to change and improve your financial fortune. But know this - it’s going to take more than just watching the highly articulate and detailed videos in this course. It’s going to require you to take action on what you learn - just so we are both clear here. Don’t be fooled into thinking that money is easy. If it was, everybody would be rich. Money Magic - How I Made Millions And How You Can Too takes a realistic approach and delivers to you practical disciplines that will make a huge difference in how you see money and how you make money. You will never see money in the same way again. Learn From Qualified Millionaires. Did you know that your annual income is an ingrained neurological pattern? It’s a habit. Each year people continue to earn the same amount (+ or - 15%) without questioning their patterns. You set your income in your mindset. Its hard-wired into your brain. So chances are, you will make the same annual income again this year plus or minus about 15 percent. Should our income fall below 15 percent, we will take action - but under that, we rarely do anything different. In this program, we will show you what millionaires think. This will help you to improve your wealth mindset. You will get proven strategies from millionaires who have paved the way for you. Heres whats included in the Money Magic program: Learn how to improve your relationship with money and stop it from leaving you. Discover simple ways that you can create (online and offline) products to generate passive and active income. Hear from expert millionaires and how they made their first million. Know how to budget to create a risk-free path to your first or next million?Learn from millionaires from all around the world. The dos and donts and tips and tricks. Get 24 proven and detailed strategies to become a millionaire. Theres one for everyone and anyone can do it with the right steps. How to get off the hamster wheel of 9 to 5 (or worse) and create a more balanced life?Well share many wealth vehicles and how to create income from them, plus get high-level insider tips. Learn the strategic art and science of developing a laptop lifestyle and how to live a more chilled millionaire lifestyle. Discover some simple things that you can do right away to make an extra $100, right up to $1,500 a week. Need an extra $15,000? Did you know that you can access that right now? Find out how?Learn the WHY, WHAT, WHO and HOW of getting onto the path of earning what most people earn in a year, you can earn in a month. This is mission-critical. How do millionaires think about money? This one module will have you see money in a whole new light! Discover how R!k Schnabel got himself out of a poverty mindset and developed a Richer Way To Think. Discover how to write a book and use it to launch your business and your own personal brand. If youre a Coach or Consultant, discover an alternate product and price model that will have you work less and earn much more! Uncover a massive database and utilize it to sell your products and programs. Coaches! Discover how you can make $50,000 a year in just 5 hours each week. How to build websites and landing pages for free, that deliver leads to your door?Plus much, much moreHave you been experiencing a financial roller-coaster for most of your life? Then chances are, you will experience a tumultuous and frustrating ride for the rest of your life. Unless you learn some fundamental financial lessons. Our mental and behavioral patterns predict our income. Though most like to remain within the status quo. Millionaires are never satisfied with being average. Most millionaires were not born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Fidelity Investments found that 88 percent of millionaires are selfmade, according to their 2017 survey. They are usually dissatisfied with their financial position and their lives. They know that there is much that they dont know they need answers and just like you, they search for answers. Find Out What Millionaires Did To Make Their First MillionIn millionaire circles, there is no s