*NEW* AJAX fundamentals, simply put

*NEW* AJAX fundamentals, simply put
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Always Updated + Get instant access to >11.5 hours of high quality videos+ Get access to downloaded resources+ InstructorsupportUnderstanding web development is an ongoing process. To give you a foot up, Ive gone all out to structure an all-encompassing, focused, AJAX course which I deliver to you in a way that will benefit you the most. My course is distinguishable in teaching you “why” things work and not just “how” to do something mindlessly. WHO IS MY AJAX COURSE FOR?My course is for everybody, from beginner and advanced coders. You wont need to do any other course after mine to know what AJAX is. You only need to know a little HTML and JavaScript. If you hardly know JavaScript, it may be beneficial for you to first do my JavaScript course. This course can be taken alone (you dont need to do any other course) to achieve your goals. WHAT IS AJAX?AJAX allows you to update information on your web app dynamically, without a page refresh, and facilitates all-important streaming. A fine addition to your skill set. Smart and powerful. For example. If a user wants to rate your product. You don’t want the entire page to refresh when the user decides to give your product a star review, because of the unnecessary time it wastes, especially if your page is large. Another example is a chat room. For obvious reasons, you don’t want the page to refresh every time a new comment or a reply is posted. AJAX goes further than just updating data on your page without a page refresh. With AJAX, you can also stream data. Think about watching a video before the entire video has downloaded to your machine. Think about Google Maps where you only need to download data that is relevant to you. AJAX makes this all possible. Can you begin to see how powerful AJAX is, how essential it is today? Knowing AJAX is crucial if you want to become a fullstack developer, as it will allow you to make server requests and listen for incoming data, asynchronously. It has been noted that AJAX can get tricky at times, and I dont dispute this, but with correct training which includes explaining the fundamentals in a simple way, you will, like me, learn to master and love AJAX. If you want to become a full stack web developer, you need to know about AJAX and thats what this course is all about. WHY IS THIS COURSE SO IMPORTANT?Your favorite websites today almost certainly use AJAXOther courses teach you about third-party libraries when using AJAX (like jQuery or Axios). This course will teach you how to use pure AJAX. No shortcuts. The real deal! Making HTTP requests asynchronously is at the forefront of todays web development. In fact, it is no longer advisable or the done thing to make HTTP requests synchronouslyKnowing how to make a server request and listen for a response, fast, is a vital skill for any web developer to masterAs a developer, you deal with data. This data can take many forms, but the most common is XML and JSONYou can use AJAX to transport HTML, images, JavaScript, XML, JSON and even plain text over the internet. My course covers all thisUsing AJAX saves memory usage and speed up your site. For instance, Google Maps uses AJAX, so instead of loading the entire page for every event it loads the required section that you are looking at only. How efficient isnt thatAJAX makes for better user experience, no argument in thatEvery browser today has a built-in API (or object) called the XMLHttpRequest object, or the Fetch API. These objects give browsers the ability to communicate with servers, behind the scenes. This means a page can update (not totally upload) seamlessly without blocking anything on the user interfaceAfter completing this AJAX course, you will certainly be knowledgeable, confident and able to manage or help others make AJAX requests. LETMESHAREMYAJAXKNOWLEDGEWITHYOUUnderstanding how AJAX works will equip you to be an awesome fullstack programmer, relevant for today. Using AJAX effectively will allow you to update parts of your website dynamically without a page refresh, stream, and save you download time, save memory space and therefore ultimately improve user experience. Take control through understanding and providing todays users with the fast web experience they are coming to expect. Mastering AJAX is challenging. In this course, I take a deep-dive into explaining AJAX and how it works in a clear and simple way. Why do we need AJAX? Where did it come from? Why was the newer Fetch() API introduced? Why did we have to replace the XMLHttpRequest() object? Why do we have to use the new keyword when using the XHR object? What are Promises? What are Streams? What are the different data formats that we can transfer over the internet? By understanding (really understanding) these questions, and many more in the course, you will be able to easily build advanced websites and use the full stack process. You will be able to create dynamic sites that improve user engagement and experience. WHERE IS AJAX USED1. Form validationIt can be impractical and tedious to get validation results only after submit