Mobile Application Development With Xamarin Forms 2020

Mobile Application Development With Xamarin Forms 2020
19.99 USD
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Do you ever have a great idea for a mobile app, but don’t know where to start?Do you ever wish you could make income from selling apps in Apple App Store, or Google Play Store?Well, you have come to the right place. Mobile Application Development Essentials will take you from the very beginning to creating a real world commercial application. This course teaches application development using the power of Microsoft Xamarin Forms. Xamarin Forms actually makes app development FUN and REWARDING. This course is taught using Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition (which is free) on Windows 10, but Mac users can also participate by installing VS 2019 Community Edition on Mac. In this course, you will learn: Visual Studio InstallationIntroduction to Visual StudioEnvironment OverviewSolutions and ProjectsDebugging TechniquesIntellisenseIntroduction to NuGET and GitHubXamarin Forms OverviewXAML (Extensive Application Markup Language) BasicsXAML Layout and DesignStackLayoutViews (Controls)ListviewsContext ActionsCell DesignC# Code-BehindC# EssentialsVariable typesList<>If/ThenLoopsConstructorsIntroduction to OOP (Object Oriented Programming)EncapsulationInheritanceClassObjectMVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)Data BindingNavigationMulti Page ApplicationData PersistenceLocal Database DesignDesigning for iOS and AndroidiOSVisual Studio for MacVisual Studio for Windows with Xamarin Mac Build AgentDeploymentiOS EmulatoriPhoneSetting to Developer ModeAndroid DeploymentAndroid EmulatorHyperV and VirtualizationAndroid phone in Developer ModeApp PublishingApp StoresApp StoreGoogle Play StoreMDM (Mobile Device Management)