Media Mastery

Media Mastery
Categories: Video Creating, Courses
26.99 AUD
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Have you always wanted to createpowerful, inspiring andengagingvideos to improve your online presence?Have you ever wondered how you can createmassive growththroughauthentic online interactionwith clients using the incredibly powerful medium of video?According to the Aberdeen Group, those businesses who use video to engage with customersgrowon average49% FASTER THAN THOSE WHO DONT! According to Facebook, users are now spending over100 million hours watching video daily! In fact there is on average over 8billion video viewson Facebook every single day! Video postsactually have a135% increased exposure rateon Facebook than photo posts! In this interactive, fun, online course taught byTV Presenter & Producer Kale Brock, you’llwalk away withthe fundamental skills required toindependentlystart producing your own engaging online content. Throughout the course Brock gives you templates to use for all your video productions - from writing the script topresenting comfortably & engaginglyto camera. Over 6 modules, you’ll start to ownyour unique style of presenting & be on your way to creating masterful, inspiring videos for your brand.