Learn SQL Server & Advanced TSQL Course From MCSE Certified

Learn SQL Server & Advanced TSQL Course From MCSE Certified
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This course has been divided into 14 sections in order to get awesome skills in T-SQL (Transact Structured Query Language), Microsoft SQL Server, Database, Database Design, Database Administration, Database Management System, TSQL Programming, TSQL Database, SQL Server TSQL, SQL Server Performance, SQL Server Performance Tuner, SQL Server Database Performance, Advanced SQL Server Performance & Query OptimizeSection 1: Databases & SQL Server SettingsIn this section, youll learn Installing SQL Server Developer Edition & Management Studio, Restoring Database Backup, and Creating Database & Managing SQL Server Settings and lastly youll learn how to take Database BackupSection 2: Query Processing & Set OperatorsIn this section, youll learn about Logical Query Processing, Filter with Where Clause & Order By Clause, Managing Group by Clause, How & Where to use Cube & Rollup instead of Group By, Difference between Union & Union All Set operators and lastly youll learn about Intersect & Except operatorsSection 3: Joins & Sub QueriesIn this section, youll learn about Inner Join, Left Outer Join & Right Outer Join, and Cross Join & Self JoinSection 4: Data Modifications & Structural ChangesIn this section, youll learn How to Create Tables through Different Methods, How to Insert Data in the form of Rows into Tables through Different Methods, How to Update / Modify the existing Data in the form rows inside Tables through Different Methods, How to Delete Data / Wipe Out Entire Table Data in the form rows through Different Methods, How to manage Primary Key / Unique Key either with Identity or with Sequence or with Unique Identifier, How to use Output Clause For getting Inserted, Updated, Deleted data for debugging purposes and lastly youll learn How to perform Structural Changes & Schema Modifications in order to add / remove columns in existing tablesSection 5: Sub Query & Table Expressions & Table OperatorsIn this section, youll learn about Sub Query & Correlated Sub Query & Exists and Not Exists, Table Expressions & Derived Table & Common Type Expressions, Cross Apply & Outer Apply Operators and lastly youll learn about Pivot and Unpivot operators to transform the rows into columns and columns into rowsSection 6: Temp Tables & Temporal TablesIn this section, youll learn about Local Temp Tables & Global Temp Tables & Variable Type Temp Tables and Temporal Table with History Management of modified / deleted dataSection 7: Window FunctionsIn this section, youll learn about Ranking & Offset Window Functions and Aggregate Window Functions as an alternative of Group By clauseSection 8: Views & SynonymsIn this section, youll learn about Views & Encrypted Views & How to perform Insert / Update / Delete through Views for underlying tables, Synonym & Synonym against Undefined Objects e.g. Tables, ViewsSection 9: Functions & Stored ProceduresIn this section, youll learn about Scalar / Single Valued UDF (User Defined Functions), Inline Table Valued UDF (User Defined Functions) & Multi-Statement Table Valued UDF (User Defined Functions), Basics of Stored Procedure along with Input type & Output type Parameters, Stored Procedure with Branch Logic (If / Else), and lastly youll learn about Stored Procedure with Dynamic SQL (T-SQL which compiled / executed at runtime)Section 10: Triggers & CursorIn this section, youll learn about DML (Data Modification Language) Trigger which generated After (Insert/Update/Delete) Or Before (Insert/Update/Delete), DDL (Data Definition Language) Trigger on entire SQL Server Level or Specific Database Level, and lastly youll learn about Cursor & why we should always use Fast Forward Cursor if possible & While Loop for iterationSection 11: TransactionsIn this section, youll learn about System Transactions Type & User Transactions Type and Auto Commit Transactions, Implicit Transactions with Xact Abort for Auto Rollback, Explicit Transactions & Nested Level of Transactions (Transactions within another transactions), Transactions after creating Custom Data Types which would be passed to Stored Procedure as parameter for handling custom cases, Transactions with Multiple Save Points in order to rollback specific partsSection 12: Transactions Isolation LevelsIn this section, youll learn about Transactions with Read Uncommitted Isolation Level & you would know about Dirty Read problem & difference between Shared Locks and Exclusive Locks, youll learn about Transactions with Read Committed & Repeatable Read Isolation levels & you would know about Non-Repeatable Read problem, youll learn about Transactions with Serializable Isolation Level & you would know about Phantom Read problem, youll learn about Transactions with Snapshot Isolation level & Difference between Pessimistic and Optimistic Isolation Levels, and lastly youll learn about Transactions with Read Committed Snapshot Isolation Level & Ill give you my Final Thought on Good & Bad Isolation LevelSection 13: Transactions Error Handling & DeadlocksIn this section, youll learn about Transactions Error Handling and Handling Dea