K6- Automate Performance & Load Testing of API & Microservices

K6- Automate Performance & Load Testing of API & Microservices
7900 INR
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We will enhance this training course regularly to cover more examples and real-time projects. Summary - Learn the future of performance testing and automate Performance & Load Testing of API and micro-services using open-source tool K6. Open Source - K6 is an open-source load testing tool built for developers and testers’ happiness. It has over 1 million installations. Notifications - Pass/Fail behavior for easy automation and integration into CI pipelines, GitlabDeveloper centric load testing - Everyone loves fast apps, APIs and websites. K6 helps you to automate Load tests that simulate real-world users as closely as possible. Goal-based load testing - You will be able to automate test which covers performance and functional goals like what level is a response time not acceptable, and/or what is an acceptable failure rateStore and Visualize Performance Test Results - K6 can output its test result data to different sources like JSON file, GrafanaIntelliSense - Get code auto-completion and in-context documentation. Visual Studio Code Extension - Execute VS Code commands to run a k6 test of your current file. Performance Monitoring - Performance monitoring of your APIs and micro-services in production. Load Testing - Quickly build test cases to validate the performance of your APIs or micro-services. Validate that your system can handle the expected volume of traffic, and catch critical performance regressions in CI before they reach production. Automated testing - Automate your performance tests. Get Pass/Fail behavior on performance goals. Write tests in Javascript code - Full scripting language to write realistic load tests. Reuse modules and Javascript libraries to build and maintain a performance test suite. Scaled to the cloud - Designed to use the same test in a local or cloud environment. k6 Cloud - Speed-up performance testing and Avoid managing your own infrastructure. GUI test builder - Record your tests using the browser extensionRun cloud tests - Scale tests in the cloud up to 100k concurrent virtual users and Generate load from 16 geographic locationsTest Scheduling - Schedule and run tests from the web app, CLI, and CI pipelinesAnalyze test results - Filter your test results by location, period, and tags. Get a convenient overview of your test results. Be a performance expert - Compare performance results between tests. Get automatic analysis and recommendations that quickly pinpoint performance issues. Get alert about your performance tests. Are you still stuck with JMeter? Then, learn GUI and Code-based testing with JavaScript and Upgrade to K6 & K6 Cloud for better developer experience. K6 is used by Amazon, Microsoft, Grafana, Gitlab, Citrix, etc. Backed by 20 years of experience. Course Curriculum SummaryPromotion Video WalkthroughUnderstand the Basics of K6Understand API Performance TestingDesign and execute Sample Test ScriptRunning K6 with 100S of virtual usersRamp-up and Ramp-down UsersChecks, Asserts and Design Error Rate and Failure RateWrite HTTP Requests and parse responsesUnderstand Built-in Metrics, Counter, Trend, Retry MechanismDesign Threshold on Checks to pass/fail load testTest Life Cycle, SetUp, TearDown, Main FunctionFixed RPS with ExampleInfluxDB, Grafana, Design DashboardK6, InfluxDB, Grafana on Amazon EC2Understand Load-impact to design and execute scripts on Cloud from the various geographic locationDefine tags and groups for better filteringPerformance Test Framework design using Postman to K6 Converter Real-time project and Automated Performance Testing Framework DesignUnderstand Virtual Users, Runners, Debugging ScriptsExample1. Write your load testUse the k6 Javascript API to write simple and realistic load test. export let options = { thresholds: { “http req duration”: [“p(90)<300”], “failed requests”: [“rate<0.15”], }};2. Define Pass and Fail criteria for performance tests- 95th percentile response time must be below 1s- Less than 0.15% request errors.3. Execute the test. Verify Pass/ Fail behaviour. Test many load configurations to ensure your performance goals in multiple situations. Running the test (50VUs, 2m), please wait. Test Run SuccessfulTotal thresholds: 2. Passed: 2. Failed: 0.4. Automate your performance and load testsRun your tests frequently to be confident in your system’s performance. Schedule your test execution and integrate your tests into CI pipelines. Performance test Execution Run 1Checkout API. 2 of 4 thresholds failed. Performance test Execution Run 2Checkout API. 4 of 4 thresholds passed.5. Receive alerts on performance regressionsConfigure your notifications and get alerts if any change breaks your performance goals.6. Visualize Test ResultsHost Grafana and share with stakeholders to view live test execution and test metrics