Implementing Redux in a real-life React application

Implementing Redux in a real-life React application
19.99 USD
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The course teaches how to use React. js, how to install and set it up on a React [Native] application and also to use Immutable. js to manage state correctly. We will start with the basics of how to build a component, how to maintain state, and how to update the view with state changes. Then we’ll expand the example to include several components to show how quickly app’s state management can get overwhelming. So, after picking up the basics of React. js and state management, we build on the example to use Redux to avoid code complexity around state management and instead propagate them and advance the app state by state. To use Redux, we need our state to be immutable (the value referred to by a reference to an instance can never change), we learn how to use Immutable. js to hold our state objects. The course shines a light on many aspects in this presumably easyscenario, including javascript, ES6 modules, npm package management, webpack bundling, React, debugging React errors, understanding React internals, managing state, writing stores. It’s a good short and direct course to pick up new frameworks for those who might be out of touch with React and building up web applications. Hope you enjoy the course.