Mike Ward has a BS honors degree in Accounting and Finance from Nottingham Trent University and years of professional experience working in finance and accounting both in the United States and in Europe In Alaska and also in Washington D.C, he worked a second career as a Cost Engineer for two major US Engineering companies. Mike’s experience in solving difficult analytical problems came to the forefront when at the age of 48 he suddenly found himself with extremely high blood sugar levels when a routine test came out with a blood sugar reading of 293 mg / dcl (milligrams per deciliter). Using his analytical skills Mike bought every book he could find and began a major research project on what caused type 2 diabetes. Although it is commonly thought that type 2 diabetes is caused by a failing pancreas, Mike found that at the outset of type 2 diabetes the pancreas is putting out 3 times as much insulin as the pancreas of a normal person. Therefore, there was nothing wrong with the pancreas so the solution was elsewhere. After 6 weeks of intense study, armed with a good understanding of what the blood sugar control system in the body is really designed to do, Mike set out to attack type 2 diabetes from 3 different directions at the same time. As a result of the practices he put into place Mike’s blood sugar readings began to drop and after three months all readings were in the normal range. That was 14 years ago and in those 14 years Mike has never had to take insulin. Mike’s method involves draining the sugar storage reserves in the body. Whilst the body does not store sugar, it spends a lot of time converting carbs and sugar into compounds such as glycogen and body fat that can be converted back into sugar in times of crisis. Once those storage areas are full there is nowhere for excess sugar to go and type 2 diabetes develops rapidly. The methods you will learn in this course are easy to use and easy to understand. This course covers a variety of topics, includingThe six keys to reduce glucose levelsHow to make glucose transporter 4 much more responsive to pulling sugar out of the blood stream in the larger muscles in the bodyYou will learn about glucose transporter 5, which is the body’s fructose transporter and you will also learn why consuming food with fructose in it is not a good idea if you want to keep your blood sugar levels low. You will learn how to attack type 2 diabetes from multiple sides at once and since this a self-designed course you will be encouraged to pick and choose the methods that work best for you. Food options will be covered in detail over several lectures, including what to eat and why and what not to eat and why not. Exercise options are covered too, including the easy exercises that will make glucose transporter 4 much more responsive to pulling sugar out of the body. An added bonus from this is that glucose transporter 4 will remain more responsive to blood sugar for 24 hours after the exercises are finished. Mike’s role in this course is as an encourager. Nothing in this course is hard. You choose how quickly or how slowly you want to get results and you choose what works best for you out of the options given.