Half Trance: Channeling Spirit Guides & Ascended Masters

Half Trance: Channeling Spirit Guides & Ascended Masters
59.99 USD
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Half Trance: Channeling Spirit Guides & Ascended MastersWe are pretty much aware of the trance mediumship and the channeling when it comes to psychic mediums. This course has come to introduce you to the “half trance” which is somewhere in the middle from the first two that are mentioned above. Half trance is the state of allowing the spirit guides, ascended masters and light beings to talk through you, to offer their insights, guidance and evidence, clarity and purpose in the way that is best for your higher good and your clients higher good. It doesn’t require a lot of time to connect with the energy and it doesn’t require a lot of time to get out of that state. What it requires is for you to have practiced mediumship, to have the level of trust that is needed for this kind of “collaboration” that is taking place between you and Spirit. In this course we are explaining: What is the difference of trance, channeling and half tranceWhat kind of requirements are neededHow you can practice it and enhance your mediumship abilitiesThe mindset and the intentions of the channelerHow it works for both of us in order to help you find your wayWhat is the purpose of half tranceMeditations that will help you with the half trance energyThrough the live demonstrations you understand the difference between half trance and pure channelling and you see how this works so you can have a clear idea of what is what. During the recording of this course the energy from out spirit guides, ascended masters and light beings was very high and you will feel the loving energy surrounding you as you watch each video. Half Trance is a tool you can add to your readings, for your sitters and clients to bring more clarity, love and empowerment in their hearts and minds! Join us to this journey of spiritual love and guidance! With love & grace, Elena and Melanie xxHere are some reviews: Carol Atterbury"Excellent course Love Elena and Melanie together, Great sessions on 1/2 Trance and Channeling, such beautiful messages between both of you. Highly recommend this course. Thank you Elena and Melanie, Love and Light"Agnieszka Sulikowska"I really enjoyed the course. I like Elena & Melanie energy. It was warm and inspiring and lectures were clear and providing useful informations."