Docker for Beginners: DevOps for Java & Spring Boot

Docker for Beginners: DevOps for Java & Spring Boot
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Do you want to learn to Create DockerImages and containers for Java Spring Boot Applications and Microservices with an easy to learn, step by step approach?Do you have ZERO experience with Docker? No Problem. Learn Docker Fundamentals? Yes. Create DockerImages for Java Spring Microservices? Yes. Create Docker Images for Java Spring Boot Full Stack Applications? Yes. Of Course. Hands-on? Of course. WHATSTUDENTSARESAYING:5STARS - I am surprised on how such difficult concepts were explained with a simple approach. Hats off to the instructor. Docker and microservices are explained very well in one course. Awesome.5STARS - Great course to get started with Docker especially with microservices architecture for Java/Spring developers.5STARS - Very Good learning with a clear explanation which helps in getting started on Docker. Thanks for the nice training on Dockerize java applications using Spring Boot.5STARS - I was having the misconception that the topic Docker is a tough one to understand. And you made it really easy. Thank you so much and I would really recommend my colleagues/friends to learn it from your tutorial.5STARS - Excellent. When I started the course I knew nothing about Docker. But I am gaining knowledge very easily. Ranga is an amazing teacher. Thanks and keep up your work.5STARS - “Docker for Java Spring Developers” is a nice head-start for Java developers. Along with basic concepts of Docker, this course perfectly covers how to leverage the Docker in Microservices architecture based application.5STARS - Nice Course and Awesome examples!5STARS - Although I have written software professionally for over 35 years, I am new to containers. I cannot say enough good things about this course. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to quickly get up to speed on Docker. “Docker for Java Spring Developers” is an extremely well-organized course, and Ranga Karanam is an excellent instructor/presenter. The course was worth every penny. I will definitely seek out courses from In28minutes and Ranga for my future training needs. Are you ready to learn about Docker and take the next step in your programming career?Do you want to join 500,000+ learners having Amazing Learning Experiences with in28Minutes?Look No Further! COURSEOVERVIEWArchitectures are moving towards Microservices and Cloud. Docker makes it easy to containerize your applications and make them cloud-ready. Docker is the No 1 Tool to Containerize your Java Spring Boot Applications. Learning Docker would help you streamline your deployment processes and experiment easily with new frameworks and tools. In this hands-on course, we will containerize - create docker images and create containers - a variety of Spring Boot Applications: REST APIs - Hello World and Todo - JarTodo Web Application WarFull Stack Application with React and Spring BootCCS and CES MicroservicesEureka Naming Server and Zuul API GatewayThis course would be a perfect first step as an introduction to Docker. You will be using containerizing a variety of projects created with React (Frontend Framework), Spring Boot (REST API Framework), Spring (Dependency Management), Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization - Basic and JWT), BootStrap (Styling Pages), Maven (dependencies management), Node (npm), Visual Studio Code (TypeScript IDE), Eclipse (Java IDE) and Tomcat Embedded Web Server. We will help you set up each one of these. COURSEHIGHLIGHTSIntroduction to the Course00 Step 01 - Deploy Spring Boot Applications to Docker - Course Overview00 Step 02 - Deploy Spring Boot Applications to Docker - Getting StartedGetting Started with Docker01 Step 01 - Installing Docker - Docker01 Step 02 - Your First Docker Usecase - Deploy a Spring Boot Application01 Step 03 - Important Docker Concepts - Registry, Repository, Tag, Image and Container01 Step 04 - Playing with Docker Images and Containers01 Step 05 - Understanding Docker Architecture - Docker Client, Docker Engine01 Step 06 - Why is Docker Popular01 Step 07 - Playing with Docker Images01 Step 08 - Playing with Docker Containers01 Step 09 - Playing with Docker Commands - stats, system01 Step 10 - Importing Docker ProjectsContainerizing Java Spring Boot Hello World Rest API with Docker02 Step 01 - Setting up 01 Spring Boot Hello World Rest API in Local02 Step 02 - Build Docker Image Manually for 01 Hello World Rest API02 Step 03 - Use Dockerfile to Build Docker Image02 Step 04 - Understanding Docker Image Layers, Caching and Dockerfile Instructions02 Step 05 - Using Dockerfile Spotify Plugin to Create Docker Images02 Step 06 - Create a generic reusable Dockerfile02 Step 07 - Improving Caching of Docker Images by Adding Libraries in a Separate Step02 Step 08 - Using JIB Plugin to Create Docker Images02 Step 09 - Using Fabric8 Docker Maven Plugin to Create Docker ImagesContainerizing Java Spring Boot Todo Web Application with Docker03 Step 01 - Setting up 02 Spring Boot Todo Web Application in Local03 Step 02 - Create Docker Image for Spring Boot Todo Web Application03 Step 03 - Understanding ENTRYPOINT,