Digital System Design using Verilog HDL

Digital System Design using Verilog HDL
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Course Objectives:1. Describe Verilog HDL and develop digital circuits using gate level and data flow modeling2. Develop Verilog HDL code for digital circuits using switch level and behavioral modeling3. Design and develop digital circuits using Finite State Machines(FSM)4. Perform functional verification of the above designs using Test Benches.5. Implementation of experiments on FPGA/CPLD boards. Course Outcomes: The students able to1. Appreciate the constructs and conventions of the Verilog HDL programming in gate level and data flow modeling.2. Generalize combinational circuits in behavioral modeling and concepts of switch level modeling3. Design and analyze digital systems and finite state machines.4. Perform functional verification by writing appropriate test benches.5. Implement designs on FPGA/CPLD boards. List of Experiments: Write the Code using VERILOG, Simulate and synthesize the following:1. Write structural and dataflow Verilog HDL models fora) 4-bit ripple carry adder.b) 4-bit carry Adder cum Subtractor.c) 2-digit BCD adder / subtractor.d) 4-bit carry look-ahead addere) 4-bit comparator2. Write a Verilog HDL program in Hierarchical structural model fora) 16:1 mux realization using 4:1 muxb) 3:8 decoder realization through 2:4 decoderc) 8-bit comparator using 4-bit comparators and additional logic3. Write a Verilog HDL program in the behavioral model fora) 8:1 muxb) 3:8 decoderc) 8:3 encoderd) 8-bit parity generator and checker4. Write a Verilog HDL program in structural and behavioral models fora) 8 bit asynchronous up-down counterb) 8 bit synchronous up-down counter5. Write a Verilog HDL program for a 4-bit sequence detector through Mealy and Moore state machines.6. Write a Verilog HDL program for traffic light controller realization through the state machine.7. Write a Verilog HDL program for vending machine controller through the state machine.8. Write a Verilog HDL program in the behavioral model for an 8-bit shift and add a multiplier.9. Write a Verilog HDL program in the structural model for the 8-bit Universal Shift Register.10. Write a Verilog HDL program for implementation of data path and controller unitsa) Serial Adderb) ALU