Congratulations, you found the N1Course on Procrastination on Udemy! When a procrastinator procrastinates, he or she doesnt sit down and starts a rational thinking process about howto waste time. Of course not. But neither does it just kinda happen. That might be what it feels like, but underneath that feeling, theres an unconscious decision-making process going on which drives us to act a certain way in certain situations. Whether you procrastinate occasionally, or do it hardcore, this course is for you. Around 20% of the population admits to be a chronical procrastinator. 20%. Thats one out of every five individuals. And if youre reading this, chances are you are one of them. And me, I was one too. I know everything about the guilt and the shame, the hours ticking away doing something completely different than what I was supposed to do. until a couple of years ago, I was really sabotaging myself. I was hating myself for it, but it seemed stronger than myself. But today, I’m not a procrastinator anymore. What happened?To find out, youll have to enroll in this course. Ill share everything with you: my journey, my research, my findings: Everything, from surprising insights to over a dozen highly effective strategies to tackle procrastination. Well even cover the upside of procrastination. oh yes, there is one. Ill show you how you can even use procrastination to your advantage. The Science behind the course. Don’t be fooled by the light tone in this fun and engaging course. It is based on the latest scientific findings in habits, self-control, willpower and temptation. To understand procrastination, we have to understand where it comes from, understand our behavior. Why we do the things we do the way we do them. The psychological model used to dive into our subconscious drivers is the result of a cross-disciplinary synthesis ranging from neuroscience over cognitive psychology to behaviorism. Im a strong advocate of uncovering the unconscious drivers behind our behavior. We like to see ourselves as rational beings, but were not. Were most definitely not. Dont get me wrong, we are capable or rational thought, but that doesnt make us rational beings. No, we are social beings, emotional beings, contextual beings, even instinctive beings, long before we could consider ourselves rational beings. My personal experienceNow what I would like to share with you, is this course about procrastination. As far as I remember, and even before that, Ive been procrastinating. So you can say I’m a subject-matter-expert. However, today, I’ve managed to overcome that nasty habit, and I wanted to share my experience and journey with you. This course hasbeen specially designed to appeal to procrastinators, as it is light and fun. The insights are surprising and counter-intuitive, based on break-through research from these past few years. And most importantly, the strategies to beat procrastination do work, as I have extensively used them myself.I’m really excited to have you here, and hope you’ll enjoy this course as much as I did creating it. See you inside, Gregory