Coach: no dieting 3 step weight MASTERY! Do it NOW 4 U!

Coach: no dieting 3 step weight MASTERY! Do it NOW 4 U!
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FAT & FRUSTRATED? LET US HELP YOU CHANGE THAT. THIS IS NOTHING LIKE THE REST. With on 9 hours of video lectures, over 40 resources COACHING fantastic dieting strategies, including a JOURNEY JOURNAL available to you forever, this is one of the most comprehensive body transformational courses you will find. YOUinsideOUT Academy welcomes YOUHOLISTIC TRANSFORMATIONAL COACHING TO BETTER HEALTH; BODY MIND & SOUL. TESTIMONIALS: Loser at diets age 42So the day I decided to call Tam, I made it clear that I wanted results I had failed miserably before, I did not want a coach, I only wanted to change this body with the right tools. Soon after I met Tam I learnt that the consultation was vital, she always had an answer, a suggestion, direction, light in a somewhat dark tunnel always coaching me in a direction of success on my journey. I lost 23kgs with her and could not be happier, as a Mom of 3 busy children, this has made all the difference! Teresa SmitStay-at-home-MomClaiming my life age 24Tams plan is difficult at times and needs your undivided attention and complete commitment. I might not be there yet, but I know I am on a journey of loving me and my life again and I do love this process. Tam coaches me weekly, she holds my hand, she does not fix me, she helps me transform myselfSandy ErasmusTeacherAddicted age 37I was always the happy one, most of my life I hid the inner turmoil and my attempt to stay on track in life, most of the time I found myself in dark places that led to greater insecurities and led to even worse dependencies. couple of months forward, Tams support was in fact the answer, she became my consciousness on a weekly basis, my soundboard and my learning curve on how to work things out. My life changed. My thanks to her, never was she dogmatic, judgemental or micro managing, she knew if it is to be, it is up to me. AnonBusiness OwnerThis YOUinsideOUT certified Coach: no diet Part 1 course MAY take you on YOUR journey of holistic transformation in body mind and soul allowing YOU to learn the absolute essential foundational steps of a MMM system in a dietary coaching framework. This process will allow YOU as an individual to firstly learn and go through what any customer needs to go through, BENEFITING along the way, experiencing first hand what it takes to be successful in any regulated diet. This then, if required by you, becomes the groundwork to take on a second part of the Coach: no diet journey, which is focused in on becoming a Transformational Coach - YES, it is time to GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY! Life can be a university of hard knocks, most people tend to get stuck in a grove and keep grooving, YOUinsideOUT looks past the grove and supports transformation of body mind & soul. With this course, Coach: no diet we help individuals find THEIR sweet spot in life when it comes to looking AND feeling great! This is one of many courses to be hosted by the YOUinsideOUT Academy, looking at life and the marvelous journey it has to offer us. This IS: PART 1 of a series of coaching courses given by YOUinsideOUT, Coaching yourself firstly to better health, then from there on, coach anyone! Why are we in such need for transformational coaching, not only in ourselves but those around us? Today, one of the leading causes of death is OBESITY, obesity is not just about FOOD, it has EVERYTHING to do with MIND BODY & SOUL. Just like you CANNOT outrun your fork, you cannot outlive your thoughts! It is now understood world wide that our thoughts have massive impact on our actions and therefore our results. Every thought that comes sailing through our mind has a strongly connected emotion to it, sometimes we ARE aware of it (because we FEEL IT) and sometimes we are unaware of it, it then slowly and subtly makes its way to our subconscious allowing it to occupy valuable space. Each of these thoughts emotively feed every thought and recurring thought thereafter which leads us to behave and act in a certain way, which then naturally leads to success or failure or just existence, be that positive or negative. The primary goal of Coach: no diet is to teach an individual or a prospective practitioner in training, to approach transformation of body mind and soul in a holistic manner, the use of the MMM System allows us to take on our own personal journey - after all, we have our own individual fingerprint, therefore we SHOULD have a personalized journey? By the end of the course, you can kick AVERAGE DIETING to the curb, stop the YO YO dieting and know that with this system in place, you can take on and achieve any regulated diet achieving the figure YOU WANTyou will understand yourself and your choices a lot better empowering every decision you make from here on out when it comes to nutrition, health & dietary choices*you will have the roadmap to allow transformation in yourself and others, that forms part of the groundwork to BEING a Transformational Coach. This course by YOUinsideOUT Academy is comprised of many schools of thought, from understanding the teachings of nutrition by renowned t