Do you want to make 3Dgame assets for your own games? Perhaps you want to make animated cinematic scenes. If you’ve been wanting to get into 3Dmodeling in Blender, this is the perfect course. Iassume you have absolutely zero knowledge or experience in Blender, and we take it from the absolute basics. You’ll learn the most important mesh editing tools and modifiers, and throughout the course you’ll be challenged to make your own creations to apply the knowledge you’ve learned. Each video has a mini-challenge, and Iwork through the solution as well. Each section has a section challenge, which is more ambitious. Istill work through the solution! The end of the course challenge puts all of your skills to use, creating a full weapon asset! In this course, you will learn: Maneuvering in the ViewportHow Objects are used in Blender, including meshes, lights, and cameraHow to use the 3DCursor in various waysHow to edit a mesh in Edit mode vs. Object ModeLoop SelectionFillExtrudeProportional EditingTransform Pivot Point changingInsetBevelLoop CutKnife ToolSlide edges and verticesDissolveShade Smooth and auto smoothUsing reference images and sorting objects into CollectionsSubdivision Surface ModifierSolidify ModifierBevel ModifierMirror ModifierScrew ModifierThe importance and consequences of applying scaleShrinkwrap ModifierArray ModifierBoolean ModifierCreation of many different mini projects, including a dagger, pot, sword, treasure chest, flying saucer, lantern, nunchucks, spiked ball and chain mace, and more! Each lecture is structured so you learn one subject at a time and apply it in a mini challenge before you move on. APDFcheat sheet of notes is included for the first two sections. Join an active Discord community where you can talk with other students and game developers and help each other, collaborate, and have a good time!