Attraction for Success

Attraction for Success
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INTRODUCTIONDo you feel Attractive?Are you able to consistently manifest the things you really wish for into your life?Are you able to magnetize money and abundance?Is happiness something you experience every day of your life or something you merely aspire to?Are your relationships nurturing, loving and supporting?Attraction for Success brings you magic and energy. You will learn that Attraction lives in the Now, the place and time where opportunities can find you! INTRODUCTIONMost people think that to be attractive means to look attractive. However, reading fashion magazines and interviews from some of the top models in the world, you would be surprised to find that they dont see themselves as beautiful as the rest of the world does: they somehow find faults with their physique and looks, just like any woman does. Attraction is not something that exists on the outside: attraction is a magnetic quality that some people have, regardless of body shape and/or appearance. Throughout this program I state that anyone can feel attractive, anyone can become attractive, and everyone has the right and the responsibility to feel happy inside their skin and, therefore, to shine from within with the light of attraction. We are so used to believing that life is hard and money is hard to earn, that we forget to be happy. Starting by accepting, acknowledging, and being grateful for the gifts we were naturally given, those that we acquired on the way, and the skills and resources that we have developed within the work or profession we do. The abundance of love and support that we are given by the people around us, and the unlimited bounty that the Universe has to offer us, is all just at the end of our fingertips. Knowing this makes us attractive. Manifesting our dreams is not something that only a few privileged people can achieve. Just like attraction, we all have the power of our thoughts (thats to say, the energy that our thoughts are made of) to use as we wish, and to produce or create either good (positive, nurturing, fulfilling events and experiences in our life) or bad (draining, negative ones).It is time to stop thinking that hard work, painful effort, struggle and friction are necessary for us to move forward in life this is, unless we chose to learn our life-lessons this way.I believe that effortless attraction is the way of the future for light and aware individuals who want to learn their earth-lessons by moving towards the light (awareness, understanding, compassion and love), moving away from pain (self-criticism, self-punishment, guilt, remorse, unforgiveness and emotional drama).I hope you enjoy it! CHAPTERS1. Are You Attractive?Attraction is not something that exists on the outside: attraction is a magnetic quality that some people have, regardless of body shape and/or appearance. Throughout this program I state that anyone can feel attractive, anyone can become attractive, and everyone has the right and the responsibility to feel happy inside their skin and, therefore, to shine from within with the light of attraction.2. Misconception about the word AttractionPeople are attracted to you because of the energy that you give out, not because you look or behave in a certain way. You can try to manipulate the world so that it sees you in a specific light, but the world will always see through you: your incongruences and self-deceptions, your delusion of being something or someone that you are not.3. Attraction QuizIn order to find out where you are in the Attraction Scale, try the following quiz. Give a number from 1 to 5 to each one of the following questions (1 is absolutely not true for you and 5 is completely true for you).The column before is to be done at the beginning of this work. The column After is to be done after a certain period has passed, or when you feel you have achieved a certain level of improvement, or after finishing the book and the meditations in it. Note 1: Do not think the answers: simply give the number according to a feeling or intuition, not a thought! Note 2: Keep this form and use it as a compass every time you forget what effortlessness feels like! In the following lectures we will go through an explanation about the energy behind each one of the 10 items of this quiz. As you read through, you may want to refine your previous answers.4 Attraction Statement 1: I Attract my ThoughtsWe know that thoughts are energy. However, the world of energy is ruled by specific laws, which we are becoming more and more acquainted with, very much like the three-dimensional world is ruled by the laws of physics that we study at school, for instance. These energetic laws rule the fact that thought-energy starts in the higher dimensional reality, which is much more subtle than our physical 3D reality. So, when a seed (a thought) is received and charged with intention or e-motion (energy-in-motion), then it starts the process of being born of manifesting.5. Attraction Statement 2: I Am Clear of my PastUnresolved memories take a huge amount of energy from us as we silentl