Basic Vegetable cooking by APCA chef online

Basic Vegetable cooking by APCA chef online
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This topic cover some Vegetable based dishes featuring 8 dishes - Cauliflower Au Gratin - Boiled Cauliflower dish, covered with a thick bechamel sauce. Topped with breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese before being gratinated lightly in the ovenCeasar Salad - Traditional italian salad, consists of a base of romaine lettuce, a boiled egg, a rich mayonnaise based dressing. Finished with croutons and freshly shaved parmesan cheesePesto Pasta Salad - Fusilli Pasta tossed with a selection of vegetables both raw and cooked, and coated in a smooth flavourful pesto oil dressing. Taboulleh - A Cous-cous dish from the middle east, a simple boiled cous-cous with lightly sauted vegetables mixed inside, followed by a subtle lemon dressing. Creamed Spinach - A Simple side dish of sauteed spinach, garlic and shallots mixed with cooking cream and reduced to give a nice balanced taste and texture. Blazed Carrot - Jardinare carrots gently cooked in water before adding sugar and butter to create a light glaze, which gives the carrots a nice shine and sweeetness. Grilled Vegetables - Simple selection of vegetables lightly seared on a pan to give a nice colour and flavour. Ratatuille - Classic french dish with a modern twist, a seasonal selection of fresh vegetables cooked together with a tomato concasse and fresh herbs.