""Another" 20 Life Hacks to Inspire You to Excel in Life

""Another" 20 Life Hacks to Inspire You to Excel in Life
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Welcome to “Another 20 Life Hacks to Inspire You to Excel in Life.” This course is a collection of 20 more of my favorite daily video Vlogs. Topics that we will cover include: Day 1: When Should You Start Your Company Day 2: Don’t Let Anyone Tell You How to Live Your Life Day 3: Learn What Not to Do When You Work for Other People Day 4: How to Burn Calories While You Work! Day 5: Run to Your Fears (Because Your Competition Wont)Day 6: 1 Random Act of Kindness Daily Changes EVERYTHING In Your LifeDay 7: Goal Setting Advice From Derek Jeter And Tony Robbins That Changed My LifeDay 8: Unjustified Criticism is a Disguised Complement (Your Perception Becomes Reality)Day 9: All You Need is What You HaveDay 10: Change Your Life By Changing Your EnvironmentDay 11: How to Accomplish Much More Every Day (A Simple Productivity Hack That Works)Day 12: 10 Simple Excel Tricks To Make You Much More Productive (And Its Fun Too!)Day 13: How to Increase Your Net Worth by $31,997,856 By Making 5 Simple Spending Habit Day 14: The World’s Six Best Doctors (Great Advice from Steve Jobs)Day 15: The Frustration of Working For Someone Else Can Lead to Wonderful ThingsDay 16: Do This Before Your Next MeetingDay 17: 3 Killer Management Tips From Amazons Jeff BezosDay 18: How To Manage A Brand-New Hire (Especially A New Employee That Has Never Worked)Day 19: How to Avoid Getting FiredDay 20: Why Sports Is The Best Topic To Discuss In All Business MeetingsThanks! Chris