Learn Web API - Ultimate Course

Learn Web API - Ultimate Course
1299 INR
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This Course teach you everything you need to know in using Asp.Net WEB API. This is prepared for all level of .Net Programmers. It covers almost all topic in Web API. Some topics covered in this course are as below1. What is ASP.NET Web API 2. Creating a Web API Project 3. HTTP GET PUT POST DELETE 4. ASP.NET Web API and SQL Server 5. ASP.NET Web API Content Negotiation 6. ASP.NET Web API MediaTypeFormatter 7. Implementing post method in ASP.NET Web API 8. Implementing Delete method in ASP.NET Web API 9. Implementing Put method in ASP.NET Web API 10. Custom method names in ASP.NET Web API 11. ASP.NET Web API query string parameters 12. FromBody and FromUri in Web API 13. Call ASP.NET Web API from jQuery 14. Calling ASP.NET Web API service in cross domain using jQuery ajax 15. Cross-origin resource sharing ASP.NET Web API 16. Enable SSL in Visual Studio Development Server 17. ASP.NET Web API enable HTTPS 18. Implementing basic authentication in ASP.NET Web API 19. Call web api service with basic authentication using jquery ajax 20. ASP.NET Web API token authentication 21. ASP.NET Web API user registration 22. Using ASP.NET identity with Web API 23. Using fiddler to test ASP.NET Web API token based authentication 24. ASP.NET Web API login page 25. Web API bearer token example 26. ASP.NET Web API logout 27. How to get authenticated user identity name in asp.net web api 28. ASP.NET Web API google authentication 29. ASP.NET Web API facebook authentication 30. Attribute routing in ASP.NET Web API 2 31. RoutePrefix attribute in Web API 32. Web API attribute routing constraints 33. Generating links using route names in asp.net web api 34. IHttpActionResult vs HttpResponseMessage 35. Web API versioning using URI 36. Web API versioning using querystring parameter 37. Web API versioning using a custom header 38. Web API versioning using accept header 39. Web API versioning using custom media types