Acumen Presents: Scott Sonenshein on Resourcefulness

Acumen Presents: Scott Sonenshein on Resourcefulness
179.99 USD
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Social entrepreneurs exist in environments of scarcitytheyre consistently strapped for time and funding, and yet are trying to tackle some of the worlds biggest challenges, like homelessness, healthcare, and energy access for the poor. What if they could unlock new mindsets and skills to learn how to leverage their constraints and achieve greater impact with less? In this course, Scott Sonensheinauthor of Stretch: Unlock the Power of Less and Achieve More Than You Ever Imagined, and professor of business at Rice Universitywill use engaging stories and research to teach social entrepreneurs how they can stretch what they have and succeed using the science of resourcefulness. Scott will present his framework about the key pillars of a stretch mindset along with business case studies and practical exercises that you can use to practice applyinga stretch mindset in your life and organization. Specifically you will define a “Stretching Challenge” that you’re facing in your own life or work and use each of the course exercises and lessons to reconceptualize itwhileuncovering new or hidden resources that can lead tobreakthrough solutions. This course is ideal for anyone facing constraints and obstacles in their life or organization, or who wants to consider their opportunities and resources in a new, more optimistic light.