Yoga Studio Visioning - The Foundation Part 1

Yoga Studio Visioning - The Foundation Part 1
149.99 USD
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Get clear on both your personal a business vision to set yourself up for success. It’s statistically proven that business thatdon’t know where you’re going or why you’re trying to get there (they lack vision), are far less successful than businesses with a clear vision. Clear visions get clear results! You will additionally help set you staff up for success, and increase their enthusiasm and output. This is part 1of The Foundation online yoga business course, specifically designed to help yoga studio owners: Get Current. Increase Revenue. Feel Excited About Your Business! Do you want to own a buzzing yoga studio with classes full of new students, enthusiastic staff, and balanced cashflow? Do you dream of going to work feeling in control of your business and excited about the future?For years, the resources for yoga studio owners to empower their business have been extremely limited and often inaccessible. But thanks to this course, you can now learn the current yoga industry best practices, and start implementing them in your studio to experience results right now! You will learn from 40 step-by-step videos and 30 supporting documents, including additional resources, detailed how to’s, examples, and templates that you can start using immediately. You will also access the Nomad Business Coaching community through a private Facebook group and ongoing email and message support. By completing the Foundation onlinecourse you will: Get clear with your personal and business visionCreate an intelligent business plan and set achievable goalsUnderstand your numbers with in depth reportingOptimize your pricing and schedule to maximize revenueLearn how to sell like a boss with proven sales scriptsIncrease your conversion of new students onto membershipImprove your short and long term client retentionAccess a rockstar marketing plan, including a 12 month event calendar and marketing checklistGet cutting edge with your online and social media presenceAmp up the enthusiasm and commitment of your staff with positive management and mentoring techniquesJoin yoga studio owners across North America who have learned exciting and proven industry practices, renewed their business passion, and are now receiving the compensation they deserve with Nomad Business Coaching. What the Yoga community is saying: Jill Kallet, Bikram Yoga San Diego, Senior Yoga Teacher"Im offering my highest recommendation. Joshs business tips (specifically in running a true yoga school in todays environment) are extremely valuable. He helped me a lot at my school, weve applied a lot of what Josh brought to us and its effective.“Wendy Debeck, Hot Yoga Sidney"Josh is not just a great communicator he actually has something to say. His delivery and content ALL combine to make US better at SELLING yoga, while removing feelings of awkwardness. My teachers are now more motivated to help people buy yoga, and understand the importance of their role in doing that.”