Yoga Nidra certification course

Yoga Nidra certification course
149.99 USD
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Yoga Nidra is a practice to bring about a state of consciousness thats in between wakefulness and sleep. The practice helps not only in inducing this very useful and relaxing state but also helps in lengthen this in-between state of consciousness. This state of mind can be used for various beneficial training. Yoga nidra is done by following verbal instructions while staying still in Shavasana or sometimes in a seated asanas. In this practice the body becomes completely relaxed, and there is awareness of the subtle aspects of body and beyond. This state of consciousness (yoga nidra) is different from meditation in which concentration on a single object is practiced. In Yoga nidra, the practitioner remains in a state of spontaneous light awareness and no focus what so ever. Yoga nidra is a pre-practice to Meditation. It has different objectives and works on different aspects as compared to Meditation. Yoga nidra is a practice of the senses and Meditation is a practice of the mental faculties. Who can do this practiceAll yoga practitionersThose who are seeking complete mind-body relaxationThose looking for a easy yet powerful Mind/senses practiceThose wanting to start practicing meditationThose who want to connect to their subtle mindThose who want to bring about control over their sense organsWho can teach this practiceAll Yoga teachersAll Meditation teachersPsychology CounsellorsParents to their childrenTeachers to their studentsSports coachesSelf practice