Writing, Publishing, Marketing and Selling Your First Book

Writing, Publishing, Marketing and Selling Your First Book
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Thisonline course is designed tohelp aspiring writers realize their potential and guide them through the process of writing, publishing, marketing and selling their first book. It will look at the writing process, examine publishing and distribution options and highlight potential opportunities and pitfalls. Topics Covered Include: Whats The Big Idea?Have you got a book inside of you?Inspiration and where to find itFail to Plan, plan to failThe Writing ProcessThe writing process (think job, not hobby)Setting targets and hitting deadlinesThe editorial processCommon pitfalls/roadblocksPitching to a Publisher/AgentThe benefits of working with a traditional publisherWhen and how to pitchWhat you should expect from a publisherWhen to walk awayGoing it AloneDisadvantages of working with a traditional publisherDigital disruption (youve never had it so good)Indie not amateurSelf-publishing vs Vanity publishingGetting help (freelance editorial and design support)Self-Publishing platforms/distribution networksMultiple FormatsHardback, Paperback, eBook (epub, mobi), audiobooksEmbracing Your Inner-Self Publicist (Selling Your Work)Public RelationsBlogging/PodcastingPublic SpeakingSocial MediaEmail MarketingMaking MoneySetting expectationsAlternative streams of revenueBuilding a Back CatalogueRinse, repeateBook SinglesWriting a seriesFree vs paid distribution