Women's Travel Safety Mini Course

Women's Travel Safety Mini Course
49.99 USD
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Want To Feel Safer When You Travel?Want to move with confidence, no matter where in the world you roam?But dont have the time or money for a full length online course right now?I hear you. And I got you, boo.I’ve created a mini-yet-mighty Travel Safety Course that will teach you how to travel safer, smarter, and stronger like the Tough Cookie you are! You deserve to learn this from someone who understands you and the unique challenges you face as a woman+ exploring the world, solo or otherwise. Even when you travel alone, you dont have to do it all alone. True strength doesnt come from having big muscles, but from confidence, resilience, and awareness, always paying attention to your surroundings as well as yourself and appreciating the value of a strong support network. Because Iget it. I also love to travel and long to travel more. Im a wanderer. A nomad. A vajabond. (See what I did there?) Ive traveled to 19 countries across 4 continents so far, including several USroad trips that have taken me to 48 of the 50 states. Im also an experienced self defense instructor, martial artist, and former stuntwoman who loves empowering my fellow women+kind to build better awareness and confidence, set stronger boundaries, master physical defensive skills, and embrace the inherent strength in your body and mind. So Idecided to combine these two worlds I know so well and teach you the safety & self defense techniques that can save your life when you need it most: while youre traveling! If youre going traveling soon, this Travel Safety Course can help you get ready to safely roam the world again like the badass wandering warrior woman+ you are. - What You’ll Learn In This CourseModule 1: IntroductionGetting Started: An introduction to your new Travel Safety Course and what you will learn as you go through all of its lessons. Module 2: Before You GoResearch Your Destination: How to learn everything about your destination that youll need to know to travel safely. Share Your Plans & Stay Connected: How to share your itinerary with a means of staying connected with people you trust, both back home and where youre traveling. Module 3: On Your Way ThereStay Alert, Light & Covered: How to maintain your awareness, mobility, and protection both weather and travel insurance so youre always ready to handle whatever befalls you on your travels. Get To Know Your Way Around: How to learn your way around all of the areas where youll be traveling, so you can safely navigate on your way to and once you arrive at your destination. Module 4: When You ArriveStay Somewhere Safe: How to find safe accommodations when youre traveling and always know how to get safely back there from wherever you wander. Secure Your Valuables: How to keep your valuables and important possessions safe and secure on your person or wherever youre staying on your travels. Module 5: As You ExploreWatch Out For Scams: How to research and be prepared for what types of scams and dangers you might encounter where youre traveling. Speak Up & Make Friends: How to know when to be friendly, ask for help, and build a local support network wherever you travel. Do As The Locals Do: How to learn and mimic the local culture, customs, and top tips, so you can blend seamlessly and safely into your environment every new place you travel. Fake It Till You Make It: How to build some bonafide confidence, which will make you walk taller and stronger and seem like a less easy target while youre traveling. Module 6: When Danger StrikesTrust Your Gut & Dont Panic: How to harness your intuition and listen to your gut, trust it and heed it, and remain calm in the face of danger on your travels. If You Must, Defend Yourself: How and when to defend yourself when you have no other choice on your travels. Your 10 Basic Defensive Moves: My top 10 super simple defensive moves that you can use to defend yourself against anyone (even people much bigger than you) in any situation on your travels. Module 7: Continuing Your JourneyTravel Like A Tough Cookie: A recap on what youve learned in this Travel Safety Course and how you can continue to travel safer and stronger like a Tough Cookie, wherever you roam- Now Let’s Talk PriceHow much is your personal safety worth to you?I know, times are tough right now. You may not have the time or money to devote to a full length online course right now. I hear you. Thats why I created this mini-yet-mighty Travel Safety Course, so you can learn the most essential travel safety tips in a more bite-sized package that wont be as hard on your schedule or wallet. My much larger, more comprehensive Ultimate Women’s Travel Self Defense Program (also here on Udemy) has a much higher (yet still shockingly reasonable) price tag at $199. Most other travel self defense courses will cost you even more than that (I’m talking anywhere from $350 to as high as $1200 or more).But Iwanted to go even cheaper with this Travel Safety Course. Much much cheaper! Since this Course features 49 minutes of my tried & tested travel safety tips, I thought I’d set