Windows Presentation Foundation Masterclass

Windows Presentation Foundation Masterclass
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Doyou know a little programming in C# or another language, but are struggling to get an interview, let alonea job?Maybe youare stuck in a low paying programming job, and want to move up to a better, more senior position. Perhaps you want to learn a new skill and expand your rsum. Or maybe you want to improve your .NET skills by learning a new and valuable framework. If one or more of these things describe you, then I’d suggest you give serious consideration to this course. This course will teach you how to create applications that have a rich user interface, using Microsoft’s Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).What isWPF? WPF is part of the .NET framework and provides a consistent programming model for building applications by separating theuser interface from business logic. It uses XAML(an XMLbased language) and C#. Theruntime libraries are included with all versions of Microsoft Windows since Windows Vista. It’s heavily supported byMicrosoft and is a mature and powerful framework. Why should you bother to learn it?Many, perhaps most enterprise level .NETapplications are built in WPF because of it’s ability to create loosely coupled apps where the business logic and presentation layer are separated. This also applies to apps in general that are developed in .NET. A good portion of Winforms based projects are being upgraded to WPF as well. WPF developers are in high demand and WPF isfully supported by Microsoft in the latest versions of Visual studio and .NET. It’s a key part of Microsoft’s strategy moving forward. What will you learn in this course?WPF is developed using C# and XAML. You will learn how to use WPF to build and access powerful REST services (specifically weather information and machine learning in this course). You will alsolearn to create your own cloud services, and learn languages and patterns the open up future opportunities in Xamarin as well (iOS, Android and theUniversal Windows Platform(UWP).In addition, in this courseyou will learn C#, XAML, theMVVM(Model-View-ViewModel) architectural pattern, Azure App and Storage services, and SQLite and more. Why enrolling in this course is the best decision you can make. Other courses focus on isolated examples on what you can do with WPF. Not this course! Thiscourse guides you through the creation of real world applications as you learn more and more about WPF. You will: Build a calculator as you learn:C#XAMLStylesBuild a contacts app as you learn: SQLiteUsing ListViewsCreating Custom ControlsBuild a machine learning classifier as you learn: REST servicesPicking images from the computerBuild a weather app as you learn: The MVVM architectural patternMore RESTBuild a notes app as you learn: More WPF controls such as toolbar, speech to text, toggle buttons, comboboxes, context menus and rich text format editorsTo add Azure App Services for cloud hosted databasesTo add Azure Storage Account services for storing files in the cloudTo add AnimationsYour instructor, Eduardo Rosas, is a certifiedXamarinMobile Developer who has been building apps with C# and XAML since 2012.This means you are learning from someone who has all the professional training, skills, and experienceyou need to teach you how to become proficient with WPF in the fastest possible way. But all the while being taught the right way to program. If you are ready to get that first paid programming job, or to move up to a more senior programming position, then this course is for you! After completing this course, you will have the necessary skills to be able to use create your own WPF desktop apps giving you increase careeropportunities. The sooner you sign up for this course, the sooner you will have the skills and knowledge you need to increase your job or consulting opportunities. Your new job or consulting opportunityawaits! Why not get started today?Click theSignupbutton to sign up for the course!