Windows 11 Quick Tips and Tricks

Windows 11 Quick Tips and Tricks
19.99 USD
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This course will help you to improve your overall Windows 10/11 Operating skills and in results it will improve the productivity and saves your time. This course will cover almost all the tips and tricks of Windows 10 and Windows 11. If you spend a sizable portion of your day working in Windows 10 / Windows 11, it pays to discover new, more efficient ways of working in the OS. This course designed with tips to help you boost your efficiency in Windows and leverage helpful features you may have forgotten about. Each video covers How do I? problems in Windows 10 or Windows 11 operating system day to day tasks. Learning objectivesWindows 11 tips and tricksWindows 10 tipsUsing multiple workspacesIncreasing contrast and inverting colorsModifying the taskbarManaging filesRemoving preloaded apps and tilesDisabling notifications for specific appsDrawing a route in MapsAdjusting system settingsGeneral Interface TipsSet up dark or light modeUse Snap Assist to position windowsUse multiple workspacesUse Magnifier to enlarge part of the screenUse Focus Assist to decrease notificationsCopy and paste multiple items with the clipboard historyPrint any page as a PDFCancel a print jobCheck the battery level of Bluetooth devicesQuickly switch user accountsIncrease contrast and invert colorsSet text scalingModify the TaskbarMove or resize the taskbarHide the taskbarHide Cortana, Task View, or Windows SearchRemove items from the system trayFile Management TipsCheck the size of a file or folderShow or hide file extensionsZip and unzip filesWorking with AppsRemove preloaded apps and tiles from the Start menuDisable smart tilesDisable notifications for specific appsUse Windows Search to launch appsDraw a route in mapsSave offline mapsSystem SettingsAdjust settings in the old Control PanelForce an application to quit