Whatsapp Clone with NextJS, Firebase and Material UI

Whatsapp Clone with NextJS, Firebase and Material UI
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Create WhatsApp clone with Next. js and FirebaseIn this project, we are going to create WhatsApp clone with Next. js and Firebase. This WhatsApp clone looks the same as real WhatsApp. The style of the message bubbles are different for user message and his friend message. The user message will be on the right hand side with light green color and his friend’s message will be on the left hand side with white color. We store the data inside the firebase firestore. We will store the user data, the latest message and timestamp of the chat, and of course all the messages inside the chat. We also use the firebase authentication so the user can login the app with Google account. We will also employ Next. js server side rendering so the messages will load up already when the user access this WhatsApp clone. User will not still watching the messages render one by one when enter the chat. Here we used React. js hook like useEffect, useRef and useState and Context and much more. to create this WhatsApp clone. We will also add a fuzzy search to search friends. Why Nextjs?All of the React components that make up a website’s user-facing section are rendered on the server first. This means that after the HTML has been transmitted to the client (the user’s browser), the user can read the material on the page without having to do anything further. The user perceives page loading speeds to be substantially faster as a result of this. SSR also provides an out-of-the-box, indexable and crawlable website, which is critical for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) because no client-side javascript is required to view the page content. Essentially, increased technical SEO benefits our clients. Why firebase?Firebase is a mobile platform from Google that allows you to create mobile apps. It is aimed mostly towards business apps, with the goal of assisting businesses in expanding their user bases and increasing earnings through mobile apps. The screenshot below from Google Firebase demonstrates just a few of the functions available in Firebase, all of which are designed to help you develop, grow, and earn money. We will coverUsing Nextjs layout, add auth provider, sign in and sign out with google account, render real time messages, server side rendering messages, create scroll to bottom function and fuzzy search on friends and much more. So I am sure you will learn a lot through this course. You can life time access this course and have 30-day-money back. So nothing to lose.