Vyond Studio - Learn Basics, Advanced, & Secrets!

Vyond Studio - Learn Basics, Advanced, & Secrets!
94.99 USD
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Are you a brand-new user of Vyond Studio and want to make amazing videos but have NO IDEA where to begin? Better yet! Are you an advanced user looking for better explanations on complicated topics? Well, youre in the right place. Hi, my names David Martin and Ive been worked in entertainment for over a decade. Ive been in love with cartoons for over 30 years but had a problem. I wanted to make my own animations but wasnt very good at drawing. When I found Vyond Studio, I was completely amazed and how much this software engine had to offer. At first, I was so excited but had no idea what I was doing. Although there are some good tutorials out there, I didnt feel like they explained things well enough. Most of the things I know are from exploring on my own. I needed more detail to understand what was going on when I was completely lost. Dont end up like me.I have created a course that dives deep into detail and wont leave you hanging or rush through the teaching process. Invest in my expert knowledge and I will teach you step by step how to do everything from basic buttons and character creation, all the way to different camera effects and information on voice acting. My instructions will come in real-time and will not be rushed. Im going to teach you things that other tutorials did not. Ill be going into detail and overviewing this program at a slower pace. Beginners will feel comfortable using Vyond, while advanced users can pick up new tricks along the way. And I really mean that-I broke the course into three sections with 54 short, easy lessons-Section 1 - The Must Know, which advanced users can usually skip-1 - Menu2 - Buttons3 - The Golden Rule of Art Styles4 - Characters5 - Props section6 - Actions7 - Enter and exit effects for props and characters8 - Intro to Templates9 - Basic Camera Function10 - Text and text effects11 - Motion Paths12 - The Replace Button13 - Background Info Basics14 - Scene Transitions15 - Add Sounds and Music16 - Mouths and Expressions 117 - Basic Dialogue Effects18 - Clicking the Wrong Thing19 - Making Things Bigger or Smaller20 - Upload Feature21 - Importance of a mouse with a right-click22 - Continuing the Scene-Section 2 - The helpful hints-23 - Music. Adding. Cutting. Fade. Volume. - basics24 - More Camera and Zoom25 - Character Creator26 - Flip characters and flip motion27 - Text to speech feature28 - Character placement - Does it fit the camera angle or is it funky?29 - Do I Need a Script?30 - Where to Focus the Camera When Zoomed31 - Walking32 - Running33 - Speech Boxes for Comic Dialogue34 - Masking35 - Using Music to Set Tone and Mood36 - Timing the Sound Effects for Precision37 - Adding Premade Video-Section 3 My Secret Stash-This is the one youre going to want! Im going to be teaching you things that are tough to find. Do not miss these insights from a professional-38 - Pair Sounds with Scene Boxes39 - Camera Focal Point40 - Super Zoom41 - Why isnt my character dialogue working?42 - Panning a Scene to Create Motion43 - Beware Jerky Camera Movements44 - Cameras Not Lined Up45 - Should I use Voice Actors?46 - Tips on Complex Scene Building47 - Changing Facial Directions to Engage48 - Where do I find free pictures for my videos?49 - The Use of Professional Logos50 - Where to find royalty-free sound effects and music?51 - Zoom, Zoom, Zoom for Dramatic Effect52 - Another Way to Add Speed53 - How to match colors and codes54 - Auto Fade-If youre ready to produce the very best professional animated videos, click down there and get started. Every moment you waste is a moment you could be learning the easiest animation software in the world. Thank you very much for your time in advance and I look forward to teaching you the best information. What are you waiting for? Get started today!