Video SEO: Rank Higher in Google & YouTube

Video SEO: Rank Higher in Google & YouTube
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I get it - you gota great video, but NOTHING has really happened since you posted it online, right?If you feeluseless withyour marketing, can’tget your video toshow upinGoogle, YouTube or other search engines - I’ll teach you how to succeed! Even with ZEROSEO experience, youll be able to optimize and rank videos like a pro! Why learn SEOfor videos?» Videos are much easier to rank than text content (about 10-20xeasier)»50%+ of searchers click on avideoinGoogle search results»You can DOUBLE conversion rates whenevera visitorwatchesa video (collect anemail, sell a product, etc.)So your video can be a great source of traffic and customers but only if your targeted prospects have the opportunity to watch it. Thats exactly what youll learn in this course: how to make sure that people will find YOUR VIDEOwhen they search for your type of product or service. You will become an expert at ranking your videos-About the Topic-Lets start with the basics. There are all kinds of practical things you can do to optimize your videos for search. However, for any of these methods to work, youve got to have a good video in the first place. All the SEO hacks in the world wont make a video succeed if its low on content or poorly put together. How to Create Awesome Marketing Videos on a BudgetBefore you work on your video SEO optimization and, for that matter, before you even start to create it identify its purpose. Some common purposes for marketing videos include educating customers, getting your brand on new leads radar, and selling products. After deciding why you want to make a video, set a concrete goal so youll be able to measure your videos effectiveness in real-world terms. For instance, you could aim to increase your sites traffic by a certain percentage or sell a specific number of item. Having a goal wont just help you create a stronger video it will help to guide your decisions about video optimization, too. The content and quality of your video also matter. Lets face it a video with poor lighting, fuzzy sound quality, or bad editing isnt going to impress viewers, no matter how great the idea behind the video is. Similarly, if a video is more fluff than actual content, no amount of clever production and editing can save it. So how can you know if a video is worth making and publishing?A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself whether the videos content would work in a different format. For instance, if youve written a script for your video, ask yourself if you could turn it into a blog post. If the answer is yes, youre on the right track your finished video will most likely be content-rich, useful, and easy to optimize. Finding Your KeywordsKeywords are the core tool of any SEO strategy, including your video SEO optimization. This is just as true for video as it is for text-based content, even though video has less text to optimize. Using keywords in your videos title, description, and tags is useful for human viewers and search engines alike. And if youre trying to get your site to rank better for certain keywords, creating videos optimized for those keywords can help you make it happen. You can do keyword research for a video SEO optimization just like you would for any other type of content. Visit your favorite keyword tool, like Googles keyword planner or keywordtool dot io, to get lists of suggestions. Try to use a tool that gives you information about how many searches a keyword gets in a month, as well as how competitive that keyword is. This will help you target keywords that will get you results, but wont be too hard to rank for. Once youve got some keyword ideas, you can check whether theyre video-friendly by searching for them in Google. Do video results show up? If so, youll know that your keyword is in demand among people who want video content. Deciding Where to Host Your VideosWhen it comes to video SEO optimization, hosting is a major consideration. Your two main options are either hosting your videos on your own site or using a hosting service. There are benefits and drawbacks to each choice, and depending on your goals, you may even want to incorporate both of them into your overall video strategy. Hosting your own videos means that your videos live on your website, not on YouTube or any other hosting provider. People will have to come to your site to watch them (unless the videos are embedded somewhere else).The main benefit of hosting your own videos is that you get to keep all the SEO optimization juice those videos create. You retain complete control over them, and all the traffic and links they generate will go directly into boosting your sites rankings. It might even help you get Google to index your website faster. Since Google favors sites that contain video content, this can be a very effective way to get a more powerful web presence. But self-hosting isnt the right choice for everyone. For one thing, it can be technically difficult. If youre unfamiliar with how hosting works, its probably best to steer clear of this option unless youre working with a good web