Video Sales Intelligence: Sell More with Video Sales Letters

Video Sales Intelligence: Sell More with Video Sales Letters
Categories: Video Creating, Courses
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You know the traditional sales-letter? The long one that stretches down your browser for 15 pages?WellIts DEADNow if you already have sales letter, what if you could convert that sales-letter into an engaging video that could triple sales?And what if these nearly hypnotic videos were dirt simple to make, no camera required?Well, youre in luck! In todays frenetic and fast paced world, grabbing your customers attention is more important than ever before. And nothing is better than a Video Sales Letter. Face it, we live in a viral world full of grumpy cats, laughing babies and endless epic fails. Making sales online used to be as easy as putting up an old-school sales letter. Today, when a potential customer lands on your site if you dont grab them immediately theyre on to the next bright, shiny object. The truth: If you want to make sales online, you need a Video Sales Letter. And the good news: Video Sales Letters can convert up to 300% better than a regular sales letter alone. Until just recently, youd have to pay a small fortune to get a pro to write one for you. Well not any more. Introducing. Video Sales IntelligenceThe Video Sales Intelligence course is a step-by-step process to create your first video sales letter to literally double your sales with less than half the amount of time you need to write a regular long-form sales letter. By the end of the course youll know how to create and set-up your own VSL to start doubling your sales. In this course well cover the following: Learn why you should make the switch from traditional sales letters to video sales lettersKnow the key elements of a video sales letter and how to design them visually. Go through a step-by-step process of creating their own Video Sales Letter script. Understand how to use simple marketing psychology to make your VSLs to convert more prospects into salesKnow what software and equipment they need to create their own VSL on the flyYou need VSLs in your business, especially if. You already have a digital program or product (or service) that youre ready to sell OR you want to create some type of coaching, consulting or online workshop opportunity to sell on your VSL (we get into all of that inside the program!)Youve spent a significant amount of time trying to learn how to build your email list or sales funnel, and want to integrate them both into a unified system that generates profits on the other end. Youre ready to take your business to the next level. and put your scaled-up profits on autopilot. With this course I can show you how you can create your first sales letter in hours and not days. All you need to do is follow this formula and you can start generating some serious sales with your sales letters. To get started click “Take this Course” or “Add to Cart” and I’ll see you inside- Basim