Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro 2018 for Beginners

Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro 2018 for Beginners
99.99 USD
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We’ve gather so much experience over the past 10 years and bundled this into the best Premiere Pro class any beginner is looking for. You are here to start editing and that’s what we’ll make you do! We’ve down-scaled the theory lessons to afundamental basis, to give more time to the creative tasks. Class ObjectiveYou’ll learn a solid basis of Premiere Pro which allows you to do the following: Organizing and starting a Premiere Pro projectPerform basic edits, arranging clips and working in multiple layersPerform advanced edits using the toolbox, masks and blending techniquesApplying and adjusting video/audio effectsCreate custom graphics and textsMaking custom templates and using third party templatesCreate custom animations and understand its mechanicsMixing audio from speech, music and sound effectsExporting a video with the proper settingsInstructor Jordy VandeputI’m a full-time trainer in both video editing and film production. I’ve grown a company by the nameCinecomin which we train people from around the world in an entertaining way. My purpose in life is help developcreativity as much as possible. Seeing people learning new skills gives me so much fulfillment.