Video Editing in DaVinci Resolve - From Beginner to PRO

Video Editing in DaVinci Resolve - From Beginner to PRO
49.99 USD
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Let’s face it, endlessly scrolling through YouTube tutorials trying to learn professional video editing is exhausting. We both know it’s taking up too much effort and time. That is why I have created a DaVinci Resolve practical guide made from real life examples. In this course you will learn from the very beginning until the final delivery all the steps and professional methodology I take when I’m working for a client: Video Editing TheoryProfessional Editing MethodologyReal Client ExamplesNew Video Editing Techniques Color GradingWorking With Music and SFXAccess to High Resolution Raw Footage for PracticeBusiness / Client management tipsAbout me: Hello! My name is Mauri de Haro and I am a video editor and content creator. I am originally from Barcelona but after completing my studies in film, I relocated to Toronto, Canada. In Toronto I worked in post-production doing video editing and color grading for brands like Microsoft, Lamborghini, Air Canada or Longines. My background in post-production in combination with my experience being on film sets gives me a wider perspective and understanding in the video creation industry. Over the last 7 years I have been refining my video editing process and methodology. And now I am ready to share it with you. In this course, youll learn practical tips to help take your editing to the next level and allow you to increase your editing rates.