Victorian Era 3D Game Environment

Victorian Era 3D Game Environment
69.99 USD
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Instructor InfoEmiel Sleegers always had love for video games and when he was young, he started using Unity3D for programming but he found himself gravitating more towards the art of making games. Now he is currently working as an environment artist in Ubisoft. He contributed to creating AAA games such as Forza Horizon 3 and The Division 2. His all time favorite game is The Last of Us and that video game is what inspired him to want to work in the game industry. His advice for beginner artists is to focus on one aspect of gaming that they are passionate about, stick to it and get better at it. His hobbies include anything related to games or films, whether it be working on personal projects, freelance work or going out for movies. Course InfoIn this course, we will go through the process of creating an amazing Victorian style game environment! We will start off by modeling the ornate pieces inside 3ds Max and then take them in Zbrush to enhance them. We will then model our modular pieces such as the pillars, the doors, the roof, the floor, etc. for reusing them in Unreal Game Engine. We will use Substance Designer to create a variety of tileable textures such as wood, plaster, gold, and fabric. We will explore different types of techniques such as high poly to low poly modeling and weight normal to low poly modeling to create our props in our scene. We will also utilize Marvelous Designer to create realistic cloth and drapery that will further solidify our environment. We will jump into Substance Painter to texture our props and once everything is looking good, we will setup our models and materials in the game engine. We will dive in creating lights and post fx that will set the mood for the overall Victorian Era game environment.