Using Notan and Dynamic Symmety in Composition and Design

Using Notan and Dynamic Symmety in Composition and Design
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The subject of Composition and Design is broad and there are a variety of compositional tools that have been used over time to emphasize ideas, stories, and religious thought. In this course we will focus primarily on two areas: Notan, which deals with light and dark and the visual structure, andthe very flexible tool of Rebatement, which works with theunderlying architecturalstructure. Much is said about Dynamic Symmetry and how it helps in designing your work. Rebatement is a variation on Dynamic Symmetry. Dynamic Symmetry is based on a mathmatical ‘root’ system. Because that system is somewhat fixed, the ratio of your work and canvas size must also be fixed to stay within the structure of dynamic symmetry. Rebatement is a MUCH more flexible variation on dynamic symmetry as you won’t be bound by the fixed ratios of heights to widths. The Golden Section as well as the Rule of Thirds is based on Rebatement. Some people call this the magic grid. Magic, because it so quickly helps to design a pleasing composition. It can be used for portraiture, plein air, still life painting, abstract painting as well as photographers. Using images from master artists, as well as some of my work, we will analyze why a painting works and whattools were used tocreatethese vivid works of art. Finally, you will learn how to use both Notan and the variation of Dynamic Symmetry, Rebatement, to create strong and visually pleasing works that will read across a room. In addition, I will teach you how to make your own rebatment viewfinders that you can usein your studio and in the field. This class is useful for any visual artist as well as for any lover of the arts.