Understanding the Social Aspects of Joy of Love

Understanding the Social Aspects of Joy of Love
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Worried about your community, family, society? Many people are concerned about the increase in violence and destruction around the world. Find and spread the love of God in many ways. Take a retreat, spread the Gospel, do small acts of kindness, make a consecration to Jesus. Pope Francis’ 2016 Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia or The Joy of Love speaks of the benefits of marriage and family in communities and for our society. Pope Francis says there is a “social aspect” in the love in marriage and family that builds a better world. Highlights of the Pope’s Exhortation are read through to identify key areas of importance. While there is love in family, there are also difficulties and challenges that must be addressed to improve our Christian life. In Chapter 1, In the Light of the World, Pope Francis says, “The Bible is full of families, births, love stories and family crises. This is true from its very first page, with the appearance of Adam and Eves family with all its burden of violence but also its enduring strength (cf. Gen 4) to its very last page, where we behold the wedding feast of the Bride and the Lamb (Rev 21:2, 9). Jesus description of the two houses, one built on rock and the other on sand (cf. Mt 7:24-27), symbolizes any number of family situations shaped by the exercise of their members freedom, for, as the poet says, ’every home is a lampstand.’ (5)“Let us cross the threshold of this tranquil home, with its family sitting around the festive table.”