Ultimate Women's Health with Belly Dance & Mindful Movement

Ultimate Women's Health with Belly Dance & Mindful Movement
39.99 USD
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This course is designed for women of walks of life. Theres no prior dance experience needed to take the course. This course can also be helpful for belly dance students who have been studying for a while or even dance teachers who are looking for some inspiration. I approach this dance style from a different perspective, offering my own style and flavor.I have been teaching dance fitness for nearly 2 decades and have naturally developed the desire to give back to my body and to deeper connect to my inner feminine through the mindful movement, breathing techniques, pelvic floor exercises, self massage and various stretching routines. All these routines have been accumulated through attending various courses & workshops and meeting masters around the world since my teenage years. The main goals of the course are: To improve the overall womens healthTo deepen the connection to the body through the mind-body workTo increase flexibility of major joints through dance & stretchingTo practice of abdominal breathing, optimization of the breathing process during dance practiceTo release the stiffness of shoulder and lower back areasTo strengthen the pelvic floor musclesTo learn self-massage and roll stretch techniques for a deeper relaxation and a better nightWomens health is crucial! Its important to take small daily steps towards inner harmony and physical health. Women are the center of the Universe, we are the inspiration, the beauty of the world, we are the bearers of life! But in order to be all that we need to put ourselves first. You cant serve from an empty vessel, they say. This is so very true! These techniques help develop posture alignment, flexibility, body control; loosen up tight upper and lower back areas. With constant practice, over a period of time, you will feel a boost of sensuality & confidence, and improvement of the overall body image. The stretching exercises given in the module will result in you feeling graceful and light. Belly dance is a translation of the French term danse du ventre (dance of the belly). The name first appeared in 19 century, however the dance itself existed in different forms for thousands of years. It takes its origins in ancient Egyptian land. The dance has accompanied major life events of people from birthdays to funerals. It has been the most primal expression of life, a tool to connect to the body & the world around and live through the various emotions with ease. There are undeniable health benefits of belly dance for women. Firstly, this dance style works for all ages (my most senior student was 82!). It has a low impact on joints. Secondly, the dance includes isolated movements of different parts of the body which improves lymphatic flow in each area from top to toe. The two main areas of stress in a human body are shoulders and lower back. Our chest and arms are the area we express our emotions with. Unfortunately, a lot of women, for various reasons, are unable to express feelings freely. It results in hunched shoulders and tight chest. Upper body work (shimmies, waves, circles etc.) help to loosen up the stiffness. Lower body movements and shimmies help to release the tension pelvic area and gain a better connection to the sacred power center (underneath the belly)Mind-body connection is truly powerful! I always say dance can be a dynamic meditation. We will be learning to connect the flowing, staccato and shimmy-like movements with breathing and the music at the same time. Its a whole body experience. You will find its nearly impossible to think of anything else while you are dancing, so it helps to clear the head too!I have taught belly dance around the globe and I firmly believe that the value of it for womens health is enormous. All that is learned in the class is applicable to everyday life. Flexible body - flexible mind. Relaxed rib cage causes expressing emotions more freely, released blockage in the hip area causes more connection to your feminine power center. Belly exercises result in improved digestion and graceful waistline. Our posture is at the core of our physical health, youth and blood circulation (especially in the brain area). In this technological century our eyes are glued to the phone screens all the time and vision is not the only thing that suffers unfortunately. Its also our posture. The shoulders are very often hunched which naturally makes the skin of our face weigh down (hang, if you like) earlier than its supposed to be. Posture alignment exercises will be presented throughout the entire course to keep us young, beautiful and radiant. Pelvic floor muscle exercises included in this course are vital for womens health. These muscles never get toned during weight lifting, running, swimming, dancing or other fitness activities. However this muscles carry a few very important functions, such as defecation and urination regulation, carrying and delivering babies, holding internal organs, sexual drive, motivation, charisma, stimulation of ovaries (that produce hormones, vital for womens health) and more. The