Totem Messages

Totem Messages
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INTRODUCTIONEarth inspires us through the colors of its flowers and allows us to relax our thinking mind with the help of her green fields and the amazing views of her landscapes. She nurtures us with her food resources and protects us with her own body. She gives us everything we need and is grateful when we give her something in return, so that the energies of this finite but huge body can be recycled, and so she may continue her cycles for many generations to come. Earth talks to all of us, but only some can (or are willing to!) hear. This is because some of us simply dont have time to listen; others are not even aware of her language. We do feel happy and contented when we are in Nature and receive her nurturing gifts (lying in the sun, resting by a water source, listening to a subtle breeze, or feeling it in our skin). Luckily, more and more of us are making an effort to understand her direct teachings through plants, rocks, and animals. The language of the Earth is based on observation and intuition, feeling and silence. The subtle language of the animals talks to all of us, but how many of us really want to listen?When I started to study the animals in 1996, I read the first words of my first set of cards and instantly, I felt the connection with these archetypal and timeless lessons.I went to my heart space and asked Mother Earth at the humblest and deepest point of surrender I could reach, to talk to me. At that moment, I solemnly promised her that I would always listen to her advice and would act upon it. And so, I did, and I do not regret one moment of this rich and nurturing relationship. The result is the Totem Messages cards. Now, I would like to help others to get in touch with the energies of the animals: I believe that within our DNA we have the seeds and potential of ALL other living creatures on the planet. Therefore, we have a connection to their archetypal frequencies.I understood that the best way to reach a bigger audience was by making them simple, giving them a practical approach, and highlighting the connection and relevance to our current lives. My wish is that you can hear and understand the Totem Messages so that you can create and discover a clearer life purpose throughout your personal relationship with them.I believe you will find solace, assistance, empowerment, and a renewed perspective with their assistance, and that they will bring magic to your life.I hope you enjoy them! ANIMAL TYPESThere are four main groups of animals that we will be working within Totem Messages:1. Mammals: Related to the physical realm or body, linked to the element of Earth, and focused on matters of work, potential, material things, career, and accomplishments. Walking in nature awakes our connection with the Earth.2. Winged Animals: Related to the Mind, linked to the element of Air and focused on matters of ideas and thought-processes, rising above struggles through expanding our perspective and increasing our vision. Going up a mountain connects us with the element of air.3. Insects & Arachnids: Related to the Emotions, linked to the element of Water and focused on matters of Inner Child and Transformation. This group characteristic is its adaptability and the process of metamorphosis or transformation they undergo in order to become an adult.4. Reptiles & Amphibious: Related to the Soul, linked to the element of Fire and focused on matters of Spirit, and Transmutation of Negative Energy into Positive (Dark into Light).Reptiles are cold-blooded reminding us to mind the environments in which we live. Amphibians shed their skin, symbolizing the transformation of letting go of the old, in order to make space for the new. CARD SPREADSCard spreads are used in order to facilitate communication with your animals, in a way that allows their energies to guide or direct you towards the answer behind the question the energy focus that was originally in your mind. As with all metaphysical tools, you must be ready to receive the information, light, energy, power or flow when it arrives. In other words, you must be able to look at the truth in the eye and hear in a detached and neutral way if the strategy that is being presented to you has a resonance and a place in your life.1 - Daily Card Spread2 - Opposite Energies Spread3 - Past - Present - Future Spread4 - Wheel Animal Totem Spread5 - The 9 Totem Animal Spread1. Group 1Ant, Antelope, Armadillo, Badger, Bat, Bear, Beaver, Bee.2. Group 2Beetle, Bison, Blue Jay, Butterfly, Cat, Chameleon, Cobra, Cougar.3. Group 3Coyote, Crocodile, Crow, Deer, Dog, Dolphin, Dove, Dragonfly.4. Group 4Eagle, Earthworm, Elephant, Elk, Fox, Frog, Gecko, Giraffe.5. Group 5Goat, Goose, Gorilla, Grasshopper, Great Blue Heron, Green Anole, Grouse, Hawk.6. Group 6Horse, Hummingbird, Jaguar, Komodo Dragon, Ladybird, Lion, Lizard, Loon.7. Group 7Lynx, Magpie, Moose, Mouse, Opossum, Otter, Owl, Panther.8. Group 8Peacock, Porcupine, Praying Mantis, Rabbit, Raven, Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, Salamander, Scarlet Macaw.9. Group 9Sea Turtle, Silkmoth, Skunk, Snake,