Tiktok Videography Masterclass: Beginner to Pro - Dec 2022

Tiktok Videography Masterclass: Beginner to Pro - Dec 2022
39.99 USD
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Learn how to turn your smartphone into a professional quality camera and start creating amazing videos today. Tiktok VideosIG Reels VideosFacebook VideosPromo & MarketingYouTube VideosIndie FilmsMobile JournalismCorporate VideosSocial MediaTravel FilmsDocumentariesMusic VideosReal Estate VideosAnd a lot more. Whatever you want to make. In this course you’ll first learn about Videography and visual storytelling that applies to using your smartphone. Then we explore the technical aspects about shooting, effects and editing smartphone video. And finally we tie it all together with apps and accessories that will help best tell your story. Covers these topics and more: Unboxing with Transition EditingRunning Cloud EditingGiant Human EditingChair Pulling Editing Flame Breathing/Element EditingBeautiful View EditingMotivation Transition EditingOrbit the Object EditingMove Transition EditingClone Yourself EditingFreeze Frame EditingFrame Blocking Transition EditingPut Image/Logo Behind thePersonEditingAnd please note this course will be routinely updated whenever there are new app & tech advancements that are necessary to include! The best thing is once you learn the basic principles of cinematography (composition, framing & lighting) those skills will stay with you forever and can be used regardless of the kind of camera (including smartphones) you shoot with in the future. Don’t wait to create! Start today and unlock the potential of the amazing camera you carry in your pocket.