The Paleo Diet An Ayurvedic Review

The Paleo Diet An Ayurvedic Review
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Are you wondering if the Paleo diet is for you? You dont want to start a diet that will create havoc in your body instead of improving your health. Find out if the Paleo diet is compatible with your body type and learn to modify it with Ayurvedic principles to bring you the best results. There are many diets out there with quite a bit of conflicting advice on whats best for you. Most of these diets have benefits, and some drawbacks. But there isnt one diet that benefits everyone in the long run. We are all different. We have different genetic and cultural heritage, we live in different climates, we have different mind/body types, and different metabolisms. Its not possible for one diet to be the best for every person on the planet. Thats where Ayurveda comes in. Ayurveda is all about individualization. Finding out what your mind/body type is and adjusting your diet based on that. Ayurveda has been around for at least 5000 years and it has been used to create and restore balance with diet. So we are going to use this ancient, time-tested system to approach the Paleo diet. In this course, we are not only hoping to give you useful information, we also hope to entertain you. We recorded this course in a studio with a professional video crew to ensure high quality picture and sound. We also paid attention to the editing and used a combination of high quality video, images, and colorful, animated slides to illustrate the information. We, at Healthy Happy n Wise, strive to provide an enjoyable learning experience.