The Mucus Remover Cleanse 101

The Mucus Remover Cleanse 101
19.99 USD
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Learn to Diagnose and Understand the origins of diseases. Bring back Vitality & joy to your life. The essence of this healing knowledge is contained in this Mucus Remover System, and while condensed to a considerable degree the work is thorough in every respect. The hitherto veil of mystery is lifted in the characteristically clear and concise manner of these lessons. As a student of Sebi and Ehret, I’ve learned that there is only one main cause of most diseases and ailments. Mucus. Learn about fasting and the proper meals to help you sweep through and clean the human pipe system. You will also learn the General Principles, Acute Diseases and causes, The Magic Mirror, The secret Formula of Life and much more. After this you should have a clear understanding of why people get sick and how it can be avoided. The physical, mental and even spiritual phases of a natural life are plainly and understandingly explained to the student. Our mind and mental condition influence the body, just as the body influences the mind and a clean, pure blood stream is therefore absolutely essential for clean, pure thoughts. We need health and must have it in order to make the most of life here and now