The Complete RxJava 2 + Retrofit Developer Course

The Complete RxJava 2 + Retrofit Developer Course
199.99 USD
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I help android developers who want to build android apps with RxJava & Retrofit to create a production-ready android app in Android Studio easily and without any hassle or frustrations of learning reactive programming. Do you know anyone who would want to learn Reactive Android Development by building a production-ready android app using RxJava Android + Retrofit?When I tried learning about RxJava and Android Reactive Programming, it was a really frustrating experience for me and I could not understand anything about RxJava. Until one day I decided to dig deep into the documentation and by trial and error, I could finally understand what’s going on under the hood. It took me a lot of time and effort to master RxJava and Retrofit. Here’s what you get inside. Create RxJava Android AppFundamentals of RxJava ProgrammingRxJava Operators Retrofit Error Handling in RxJava Programming RxJava in Android Lifecycle Custom Observables in RxJavaThis course comes with the 30 days money-back guarantee. Click on the enroll button now to join.