The Complete Guide to C# & Unity Programming - Build an RPG

The Complete Guide to C# & Unity Programming - Build an RPG
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This course is made with the latest content and newest technics used in modern Game Development (Unity 2021)The best way to learn anything is by doing it in a really fun way and this is where this course comes from. If you want to learn how all these incredible games you see are made there is no better place to start than this course. We made sure that this course has everything you need to take you from a beginner (even with zero codding experience) and slowly take you to intermediate levelI chose the main project in this course to be a 2D RPG because it not only has a vast library of game development concepts that we can implement and learn, but also because it’s very simple (especially if you are a beginner) to delve in and get started on your game development journey. Everything in this course has been meticulously crafted, review and recrafted to provide you with the best experience possible and maximize your learning as much as possible. So not only will you have a great time learning you’ll also get the MOST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK by going away from this course with a lot of tools in your arsenal to continue you journey in the wild west of game development. Section 1: IntroductionWe’ll start off by downloading Unity and Visual studio. Installing them and making sure they work. We will then create our first code in C# and get used to Unity interface. Finally we’ll talk about the game design of our game and what it takes to start creating a game from scratchSection 2: Setting Up PlayerIn this section we are going to start learning what sprite sheets are and how to set them up. We’ll learn what sorting layers are in Unity. We’ll look into colliders and RigidBodies and add them to our game objects and see how it starts getting affected by physics. we’ll learn how to animate our sprites. We’ll even understand what blending trees that will greatly help us reduce difficulty of animatingSection 3: Scene ManagementIn this section we will learn about the scene manager in Unity that will allow us to create multiple levels in our game and transition between them. Plus we’ll learn a very tricky way to making sure we always arrive in the right position when moving through our worldsSection 4: Tilemaps & CinemachineThis section is the evolution of the previous one. Where we move from just adding maps as images to painting them using tile sets that you can download and customize yourself. We also learn about Cinemachine which is a very powerful and modern tool in UnitySection 5: Dialog In GameWhat game doesn’t have a dialog system. This is where we add new NPC’s to our game. Create UI learn about arrays and add more life to our game by introducing a way to interact with the world around us that we created in the previous sectionSection 6: Player StatsAgain what game, especially a RPG doesn’t have stats for every character? WE have strength, Mana, health etc. and we introduce a leveling system and XP. We learn about loops in C# which is a very powerful tool in and programming language and will really build your foundationsSection 7: Menu SystemThis section is full of artistic creating which means you have the full liberty of creating your own. This is were we don’t create anything NEW but we put all the information that we’ve taking into account so far in front of our player and making sure he can access that info easilySection 8: Inventory SystemThis is also a section that could have been called ADVANCED C# because we take our coding to the next level. We learn about Lists another powerful tool in C#. We learn how to pick up items. Add them to our inventory using the advanced C# tools and make sure that all of this works smoothly especially when we also discard those items. Finally we use those items on our charactersSection 9: Shop & Money SystemsNow that we pick up items, we want to sell them. for MONEY! who doesn’t like money? we will introduce a monetary system so basically create an economy. We create a shop with a shop keeper inside and we’ll be able to transact with him using the money we have to buy and the items we have to sellSection 10: Questing SystemThis is my favorite part of the game. Because we start adding quests. And this turns our game from a normal game to and RPG. We can get quests, complete them, get rewarded with items. Some objects will only appear on after we complete some kind of quest. This one is really funSection 11: Save & LoadIt’s imperative that we do not lose our progress in an RPG that’s why we introduce a Save and Load system. We will keep track of our player position and the world he was in. We will keep track of the items we have in a very sophisticated way. And every else also that needs to be saved and loadedSection 12: Music & SFXTime to breath some life into this game adding sound effects and Music. Now our game goes from static to dynamic. We will add background Music and SFX. To each level and each interaction respectivelySection 13: Main MenuEvery game HAS to have a main menu. But it also needs a dynamic main menu. We create a simple menu with a b